HIST103 (HIST103)

University of Delaware

Aquí están los mejores recursos para pasar HIST103 (HIST103). Encuentra HIST103 (HIST103) guías de estudio, notas, tareas, y mucho más.

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Ancient Rome Lecture Notes: From Rise to Fall
  • Ancient Rome Lecture Notes: From Rise to Fall

  • Notas de lectura • 22 páginas • 2022
  • Highly detailed notes covering lecture from HIS103 concerning ancient Rome. Notes cover an extensive amount of history during this time period. Well-known leaders including Brutus, Julius Caesar, Augustus, Diocletian, Theodora and many others are covered. Significant historical events including the Three Punic Wars, Crisis of the Third Century, Battle of the Milvian Bridge, and civil wars are covered in detail. Many leaders and their impact are recorded. This lecture has many moving components a...
  • $25.99
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Prehistory Starting With Mesopotamia (HIST103)
  • Prehistory Starting With Mesopotamia (HIST103)

  • Notas de lectura • 13 páginas • 2021
  • These notes contain information on the following: Mesopotamia, Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages, Abrahamic Religion, Babylon, Assyrian Empire, Monotheism, Movement of the Jews, The Romans The notes are not limited to these topics. There are many more subtopics covered. Overall, the general outline of the notes describes the development of ancient human civilization from ancient Mesopotamia to ancient Egypt.
  • $13.28
  • 1x vendido
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