Florida State College at Jacksonville

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NUR NUR3125 Musculoskeletal System Disorders Worksheet (GRADED A) | 31 Q&A | 100% GUARANTEED PASS.
  • NUR NUR3125 Musculoskeletal System Disorders Worksheet (GRADED A) | 31 Q&A | 100% GUARANTEED PASS.

  • Prüfung • 5 Seiten • 2021
  • Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
  • Gould Chapter 9 Musculoskeletal System Disorders 1. How do osteoblasts differ from osteoclasts? What stimulates osteoblastic activity? What stimulates osteoclastic activity? Blasts build; clasts destroy PTH stimulates osteoclasts; estrogen stimulates osteoblast 2. Describe how bone grows and lengthens during the lifespan. What causes bone to become weak? How can bone be maintained? -long bones continue to lengthen through the addition of bone tissue at the epiphyseal plate. They also increase in...
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