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2 artículos

CSET SUBTEST 1: History and Social Science TEST SOLUTIONS 100% PASS

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CSET SUBTEST 1: History and Social Science TEST SOLUTIONS 100% PASS What led to development of early civilizations? - ANSWER Domestication and cultivation of crops which led to abandonment of nomadic hunting/gathering First 4 civilizations - ANSWER Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China. Components of the Near East that allowed early civilizations. - ANSWER Compromised Tigris and Euphrates Valley, the Fertile Crescent, and the Nile Valley Cultural contributions of early civilizatios of...

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  • Examen
  •  • 18 páginas • 
  • por wilberforce • 
  • subido  01-05-2024
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CSET Subtest 1 - Health Science 100% SOLUTION

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CSET Subtest 1 - Health Science 100% SOLUTION Healthy People 2020 is relevant to the work of a health education professional primarily because it provides: - ANSWER a comprehensive set of disease prevention and health promotion objectives intended to serve as a guide for improving the health of all Americans Resources for current knowledge in health science related to adolescent health - ANSWER internet; professional journals; public health/local health agencies; professional or...

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  • Examen
  •  • 20 páginas • 
  • por wilberforce • 
  • subido  01-05-2024
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