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Best selling Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology notes
Samenvatting Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology (WHOLE BOOK in English)
- Summary • 135 pages • 2020 Popular
- $5.30
- 12x sold
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Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op het boek 'Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology' van Rita Wicks-Nelson (8th edition) en geschreven in het Engels.
De samenvatting bevat alle hoofdstukken: H1, H2, H3, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11 & H12 (met uitzondering van H4).
Samenvatting Abnormal child and adolescent psychology
- Summary • 50 pages • 2021 Popular
- $4.56
- 2x sold
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Samenvatting van de hoofdstukken van Abnormal child and adolescent psychology. Nodig voor het vak ontwikkelingsstoornissen van Tilburg Universteit. De samenvatting van het artikel zit achteraan het document.
Developmental Psychopathology lecture summary
- Summary • 16 pages • 2020 Popular
Available in package deal
- $7.43
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This is a summary of all the lectures given for Developmental Psychopathology (IBP), except for lecture 8. It contains various developmental disorders and their symtpoms, prevalence, developmental course, etc.
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samenvatting OPP boek
- Summary • 38 pages • 2021 Popular
- $6.68
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alle benodigde hoofdstukken van bachelor jaar 2, 2021-2022 samengevat uit het boek abnormal Child and adolescent Psychology.
Developmental disorders overview
- Other • 11 pages • 2020 Popular
Available in package deal
- $6.36
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This a clear overview regarding all the disorders being discussed in the course Developmental Psychopathology. It contains the disorder, symptoms, co-occurring disorders, developmental course, etiology, epedemiology, assessment, and intervention.
Newest Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology summaries
Summary Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology, ISBN: 9781138091016 Developmental Disorders
- Summary • 60 pages • 2022 New
- $6.90
- 9x sold
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This is a full summary of the complete book, with notes from the professor, divided by chapter
Developmental Psychopathology bundle
- Package deal • 2 items • 2021 New
- $12.21
- 1x sold
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This bundle includes a lecture summary and overview of all the disorders discussed plus according information that is all required for the exam.
Samenvatting Abnormal child and adolescent psychology
- Summary • 50 pages • 2021 New
- $4.56
- 2x sold
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Samenvatting van de hoofdstukken van Abnormal child and adolescent psychology. Nodig voor het vak ontwikkelingsstoornissen van Tilburg Universteit. De samenvatting van het artikel zit achteraan het document.
Do you also write study notes yourself? Put them up for sale and earn every time your document is purchased.
Developmental Psychopathology IBP - Full Summary on Lectures and Book chapters
- Summary • 16 pages • 2021 New
- $5.83
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Very compact (and yet comprehensive in detail!) notes on the material from the book (each chapter summary is specified on the left margin), completed with additional separate information from the lectures of the course. Especially good for a complete overview before the exam!
samenvatting OPP boek
- Summary • 38 pages • 2021 New
- $6.68
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alle benodigde hoofdstukken van bachelor jaar 2, 2021-2022 samengevat uit het boek abnormal Child and adolescent Psychology.
Developmental Psychopathology lecture summary
- Summary • 16 pages • 2020 New
Available in package deal
- $7.43
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This is a summary of all the lectures given for Developmental Psychopathology (IBP), except for lecture 8. It contains various developmental disorders and their symtpoms, prevalence, developmental course, etc.
Developmental disorders overview
- Other • 11 pages • 2020 New
Available in package deal
- $6.36
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This a clear overview regarding all the disorders being discussed in the course Developmental Psychopathology. It contains the disorder, symptoms, co-occurring disorders, developmental course, etiology, epedemiology, assessment, and intervention.
Samenvatting Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology (WHOLE BOOK in English)
- Summary • 135 pages • 2020 New
- $5.30
- 12x sold
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Deze samenvatting is gebaseerd op het boek 'Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology' van Rita Wicks-Nelson (8th edition) en geschreven in het Engels.
De samenvatting bevat alle hoofdstukken: H1, H2, H3, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11 & H12 (met uitzondering van H4).
Abnormal Child & Adolescent Psychology 8th Edition Summary - Developmental Psychopathology IBP Leiden University
- Summary • 167 pages • 2020 New
- $5.83
- 5x sold
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This is a summary of Abnormal Child & Adolescent Psychology for the course of Developmental Psychopathology, written in year 2019/20. The summary has all the content of the book and the key terms of each chapter. It is very detailed & some of my friends used it only without reading the book and had no problem passing the exam with good grades :)
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