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Newest Abnormal Psychology summaries
D&H2 : Development & Mental Health 2 Psychopathology
- Summary • 100 pages • 2019
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- $5.30
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2019-2020!! Summary of Development & Mental Health 2: Psychopathology from a life-span perspective (D&H2), Psychology at the Radboud University. Based on the lectures and powerpoints, including extra details and extra explanation. Also including information about: ADHD, Major Neurocognitive disorder and Conduct Disorders (those disorders were not mentioned during the lectures, but are important for the exam).
D&H2 : Development & Mental Health 2 Psychopathology
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2019-2020!! Summary of Development & Mental Health 2: Psychopathology from a life-span perspective (D&H2), Psychology at the Radboud University. Based on the lectures and powerpoints, including extra details and extra explanation. Also including information about: ADHD, Major Neurocognitive disorder and Conduct Disorders (those disorders were not mentioned during the lectures, but are important for the exam).
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