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Best selling Arid Environments and Sustainability notes
Energy alternatives - presentation
- Class notes • 15 pages • 2021 Popular
- $10.49
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An in-depth powerpoint presentation discussing some statistics, pros, and cons of each of the 5 major alternative sources of energy (to fossil fuels). Discusses possible solutions/actions that can be taken, and a brief analysis of a South Georgia county's actions to switch to alternative energy sources.
Newest Arid Environments and Sustainability summaries
Energy alternatives - presentation
- Class notes • 15 pages • 2021 New
- $10.49
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An in-depth powerpoint presentation discussing some statistics, pros, and cons of each of the 5 major alternative sources of energy (to fossil fuels). Discusses possible solutions/actions that can be taken, and a brief analysis of a South Georgia county's actions to switch to alternative energy sources.
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