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Newest Bioprocess Engineering Principles summaries
BPE12806 - Bioprocess Engineering Basics summary
- Summary • 25 pages • 2017
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- $3.70
- 5x sold
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All relevant information for every lecture are given online on blackboard. The last lecture is not included, because the theory of the book and the lecture did not match. This is a summary of the given information on blackboard per lecture. The chapters are from the book Bioprocess Engineering Principles, by Pauline M. Doran, second edition.

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BPE12806 - Bioprocess Engineering Basics summary
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All relevant information for every lecture are given online on blackboard. The last lecture is not included, because the theory of the book and the lecture did not match. This is a summary of the given information on blackboard per lecture. The chapters are from the book Bioprocess Engineering Principles, by Pauline M. Doran, second edition.

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