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Newest CCEA AS Unit 2 Biology Student Guide summaries
CCEA Biology AS Unit 2 Full Notes For Every Topic *Revised Specification*
- Summary • 7 pages • 2018
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These are the new specification notes for the Biology AS Unit 2, I achieved full UMS in the exam and an A overall. They are very condensed but still have all the information required for the unit making them perfect for revision purposes.

As a student doing the new revised spec - especially on CCEA where there are little resources available, I know how hard it was to make good revision notes which is why I decided to release mine.
CCEA Biology AS Unit 2 Full Notes For Every Topic *Revised Specification*
Last document update:
These are the new specification notes for the Biology AS Unit 2, I achieved full UMS in the exam and an A overall. They are very condensed but still have all the information required for the unit making them perfect for revision purposes.

As a student doing the new revised spec - especially on CCEA where there are little resources available, I know how hard it was to make good revision notes which is why I decided to release mine.
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Do you wonder why so many students wear nice clothes, have money to spare and enjoy tons of free time? Well, they sell on Stuvia! Imagine your study notes being downloaded a dozen times for $15 each. Every. Single. Day. Discover all about earning on Stuvia