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Best selling Comparative Politics notes
Class notes: Global Politics (POL105)
- Class notes • 31 pages • 2022 Popular
- $20.89
- 1x sold
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COMPREHENSIVE notes taken for POL105, Intro to Global Politics at Washington and Lee University. However, these notes are good for anyone who is studying a course covering the European refugee crisis (past and current), conflicts in the Middle East (past and current), international relations theory, and more. These notes cover all 12 weeks of the course, and I earned an A in the class. The notes also cover the following books: "Crimes of Peace" by Maurizio Albahara, "Comparative Politics" by Tyl...
Newest Comparative Politics summaries
Class notes: Global Politics (POL105)
- Class notes • 31 pages • 2022 New
- $20.89
- 1x sold
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COMPREHENSIVE notes taken for POL105, Intro to Global Politics at Washington and Lee University. However, these notes are good for anyone who is studying a course covering the European refugee crisis (past and current), conflicts in the Middle East (past and current), international relations theory, and more. These notes cover all 12 weeks of the course, and I earned an A in the class. The notes also cover the following books: "Crimes of Peace" by Maurizio Albahara, "Comparative Politics" by Tyl...
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