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Best selling Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy notes
Reading guide for Elizabeth Anderson, “Democracy: Instrumental vs. Non-instrumental Value
- Summary • 4 pages • 2024 Popular
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This document is a reading guide for Elizabeth Anderson, “Democracy: Instrumental vs. Non-instrumental Value". You will find answers to 8 questions that will help you understand the main thesis and subtleties of Anderson's approach. The questions are : 
a. Why, if a dictator could give what people wanted, would many citizens still prefer to govern themselves? 
b. Why is the democratic way of life morally right? 
c. What are the three different understandings of democracy? 
d. Why is the ...
Newest Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy summaries
Reading guide for Elizabeth Anderson, “Democracy: Instrumental vs. Non-instrumental Value
- Summary • 4 pages • 2024 New
Available in package deal
- $4.80
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This document is a reading guide for Elizabeth Anderson, “Democracy: Instrumental vs. Non-instrumental Value". You will find answers to 8 questions that will help you understand the main thesis and subtleties of Anderson's approach. The questions are : 
a. Why, if a dictator could give what people wanted, would many citizens still prefer to govern themselves? 
b. Why is the democratic way of life morally right? 
c. What are the three different understandings of democracy? 
d. Why is the ...
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