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Best selling Contributions to a Philosophy of Technology notes
a)	What caused these two paths of food production?
- Summary • 1 pages • 2021 Popular
- $4.39
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We discussed two ideas about the differences between science and technology: one by Skolimowski (in his classical article: “The Structure of Thinking in Technology”) and the other by Mario Bunge (in Maarten Franssen’s article “Philosophy of Technology
Newest Contributions to a Philosophy of Technology summaries
a)	What caused these two paths of food production?
- Summary • 1 pages • 2021 New
- $4.39
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We discussed two ideas about the differences between science and technology: one by Skolimowski (in his classical article: “The Structure of Thinking in Technology”) and the other by Mario Bunge (in Maarten Franssen’s article “Philosophy of Technology
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