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Best selling Environmental Economics and Management : Theory, Policy and Applications notes

Economics of Climate Change Notes
- Class notes • 18 pages • 2022 Popular
- $9.49
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Notes for Economics of Climate Change which covers the basics of climate change, different types of market failures, assessing various policies such as tax or cap and trade as well as the basics of cost and benefit analysis
Class notes
Economics of Climate Change Notes
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Notes for Economics of Climate Change which covers the basics of climate change, different types of market failures, assessing various policies such as tax or cap and trade as well as the basics of cost and benefit analysis
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Newest Environmental Economics and Management : Theory, Policy and Applications summaries

Economics of Climate Change Notes
- Class notes • 18 pages • 2022 New
- $9.49
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Notes for Economics of Climate Change which covers the basics of climate change, different types of market failures, assessing various policies such as tax or cap and trade as well as the basics of cost and benefit analysis
Class notes
Economics of Climate Change Notes
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Notes for Economics of Climate Change which covers the basics of climate change, different types of market failures, assessing various policies such as tax or cap and trade as well as the basics of cost and benefit analysis
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Did you know that on average a seller on Stuvia earns $82 per month selling study resources? Hmm, hint, hint. Discover all about earning on Stuvia