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Best selling Essential Epidemiology notes
Summary Study Design and Interpretation in Epidemiology and Public Health
- Summary • 66 pages • 2020 Popular
- $3.21
- 7x sold
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Extensive summary of the course, with pages 1 to 31 the lectures, pages 32 to 58 the E-modules (including sample size) and pages 59 to 66 most important information from the book.
Summary Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health
- Summary • 102 pages • 2019 Popular
- $3.21
- 3x sold
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Extensive summary of all the study material. So it includes lectures, knowledge clips, book, e-modules, mindmaps, glossary and other study material.
Summary Study Design and Interpretation in Epidemiology and Public Health
- Summary • 100 pages • 2023 Popular
- $16.64
- 1x sold
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Summary Study Design and Interpretation in Epidemiology and Public Health HNH31006. 
Including notes of the 'refresh knowledge' clips, all the e-modules, lectures, studyclips and chapters of the Essential Epidemiology book. 
(Essential Epidemiology and instruction for students and health professionals 3rd edition. ISBN: 9781316275948.)
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Newest Essential Epidemiology summaries
Summary Study Design and Interpretation in Epidemiology and Public Health
- Summary • 100 pages • 2023 New
- $16.64
- 1x sold
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Summary Study Design and Interpretation in Epidemiology and Public Health HNH31006. 
Including notes of the 'refresh knowledge' clips, all the e-modules, lectures, studyclips and chapters of the Essential Epidemiology book. 
(Essential Epidemiology and instruction for students and health professionals 3rd edition. ISBN: 9781316275948.)
Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health HNH-24806
- Package deal • 2 items • 2020 New
- $6.97
- 1x sold
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Summary and glossary with formulas for the course Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health HNH-24806 Wageningen University.
Summary Study Design and Interpretation in Epidemiology and Public Health
- Summary • 66 pages • 2020 New
- $3.21
- 7x sold
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Extensive summary of the course, with pages 1 to 31 the lectures, pages 32 to 58 the E-modules (including sample size) and pages 59 to 66 most important information from the book.
Do you also write study notes yourself? Put them up for sale and earn every time your document is purchased.
Summary Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health
- Summary • 102 pages • 2019 New
- $3.21
- 3x sold
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Extensive summary of all the study material. So it includes lectures, knowledge clips, book, e-modules, mindmaps, glossary and other study material.
Summary HNH-24806
- Summary • 48 pages • 2020 New
Available in package deal
- $4.82
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Samenvatting van hoorcolleges, kennisclips en bijbehorende hoofdstukken uit boek Essential Epidemiology geschreven door Webb and Bain. Voor het vak Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health HNH-24806 Wageningen University.
Glossary and formulas HNH-24806
- Summary • 8 pages • 2020 New
Available in package deal
- $3.75
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Begrippenlijst met bijbehorende formules voor het vak Introduction to Epidemiology and Public Health HNH-24806 Wageningen Universiteit.
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