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Best selling European Banking and Financial Law 2e notes
Review Questions for Financial Law (Leiden Universiteit)
- Other • 27 pages • 2021 Popular
- $7.99
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These are active recall questions to test your knowledge of the materials covered in the book. The questions are written in the same order as in the book, so the answers to the questions are quite easily found. 
ALL of the chapters of the required reading are incorporated. This is NOT a summary. It can be used to test your understanding of the book.
Newest European Banking and Financial Law 2e summaries
Review Questions for Financial Law (Leiden Universiteit)
- Other • 27 pages • 2021 New
- $7.99
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These are active recall questions to test your knowledge of the materials covered in the book. The questions are written in the same order as in the book, so the answers to the questions are quite easily found. 
ALL of the chapters of the required reading are incorporated. This is NOT a summary. It can be used to test your understanding of the book.
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