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Résumés les plus vendus pour Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding
Maternity Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing A Case-Based Approach 1st Edition 
O’Meara Test Bank

BFIC (Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative Compendium) of case studies from around the world
- Cas • 61 pages • 2024 Très apprécié
- $14.99
- + en savoir plus
This set of case studies documents country experiences 
in implementing the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative 
(BFHI) over the 25 years of its existence. 
In 1991, WHO and UNICEF launched the BFHI, which is 
aimed at ensuring the protection, promotion and support 
for breastfeeding in maternity facilities. Hospitals or 
maternity facilities that comply with the Ten Steps to 
Successful Breastfeeding and with the relevant aspects 
of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk 
Substitutes ...
Derniers résumés de Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding

BFIC (Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative Compendium) of case studies from around the world
- Cas • 61 pages • 2024 Nouveau
- $14.99
- + en savoir plus
This set of case studies documents country experiences 
in implementing the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative 
(BFHI) over the 25 years of its existence. 
In 1991, WHO and UNICEF launched the BFHI, which is 
aimed at ensuring the protection, promotion and support 
for breastfeeding in maternity facilities. Hospitals or 
maternity facilities that comply with the Ten Steps to 
Successful Breastfeeding and with the relevant aspects 
of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk 
Substitutes ...
Maternity Newborn and Women’s Health Nursing A Case-Based Approach 1st Edition 
O’Meara Test Bank

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