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Best selling GNED 1101 MRU notes
GNED 1101 study notes
- Class notes • 46 pages • 2021 Popular
- $7.49
- 2x sold
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The notes are written by asking related questions surrounding the learning objectives for this course. Between the brackets is the answer to the question. Use the adjacent cells of the document to determine if you understand the concept. Color the cells red if you can't recall the information. Yellow if you can recall some or green if you understand and recall the information. This method is efficient in understanding which concepts you need to focus on. Hope it helps
GNED 1101 study notes
- Class notes • 8 pages • 2021 Popular
- $7.49
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The notes are written in questions related to the objectives of the course. The answers to these questions are between the brackets. Use the right cells of the document to determine whether you know the answers. Use date and colour coordinate it. Red indicates you cannot recall the answer. Yellow indicates you can recall some of the answers. Green determines you can recall the answer. This is an efficient method to understand what you need to focus on as the course is content heavy.
Newest GNED 1101 MRU summaries
GNED 1101 study notes
- Class notes • 46 pages • 2021 New
- $7.49
- 2x sold
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The notes are written by asking related questions surrounding the learning objectives for this course. Between the brackets is the answer to the question. Use the adjacent cells of the document to determine if you understand the concept. Color the cells red if you can't recall the information. Yellow if you can recall some or green if you understand and recall the information. This method is efficient in understanding which concepts you need to focus on. Hope it helps
GNED 1101 study notes
- Class notes • 8 pages • 2021 New
- $7.49
- + learn more
The notes are written in questions related to the objectives of the course. The answers to these questions are between the brackets. Use the right cells of the document to determine whether you know the answers. Use date and colour coordinate it. Red indicates you cannot recall the answer. Yellow indicates you can recall some of the answers. Green determines you can recall the answer. This is an efficient method to understand what you need to focus on as the course is content heavy.
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