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Best selling How To Do Motivational Interviewing: A guidebook for beginners notes
How to do motivational interviewing - summary (UvA, psychology, psychotherapy and therapeutic skills)
- Summary • 8 pages • 2021 Popular
Available in package deal
- $5.35
- 4x sold
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Summary of the e-book by Matulich on motivational interviewing. Can be very helpful when writing your portfolio for the course on psychotherapy and therapeutic skills. (UvA, BSc, clinical specialization). Good luck <3 (i.e. NOT a summary of Lang & van der Molen, as I wrote this in Dutch -you can find that on my profile as well).
Newest How To Do Motivational Interviewing: A guidebook for beginners summaries
How to do motivational interviewing - summary (UvA, psychology, psychotherapy and therapeutic skills)
- Summary • 8 pages • 2021 New
Available in package deal
- $5.35
- 4x sold
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Summary of the e-book by Matulich on motivational interviewing. Can be very helpful when writing your portfolio for the course on psychotherapy and therapeutic skills. (UvA, BSc, clinical specialization). Good luck <3 (i.e. NOT a summary of Lang & van der Molen, as I wrote this in Dutch -you can find that on my profile as well).
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