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Newest Intercultural Communication in Contexts summaries

Chapter 5: Identity and Intercultural Communication
- Class notes • 6 pages • 2020
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Notes based on lecture slides from Northeastern's Global and Intercultural Communications class. Covers Chapter 5: Identity and Intercultural Communication from textbook Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 6th Edition by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama.

Chapter 2: History of Intercultural Communication
- Class notes • 3 pages • 2020
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Notes based on lecture slides from Northeastern's Global and Intercultural Communications class. Covers Chapter 2: History of Intercultural Communication from textbook Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 6th Edition by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama.

Chapter 3: Culture, Communication, Context & Power
- Class notes • 4 pages • 2020
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- $8.49
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Notes based on lecture slides from Northeastern's Global and Intercultural Communications class. Covers Chapter 3: Culture, Communication, Context & Power from textbook Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 6th Edition by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama.
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Chapter 1: Why Study Intercultural Communication
- Class notes • 3 pages • 2020
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Notes based on lecture slides from Northeastern's Global and Intercultural Communications class. Covers Chapter 1: Why Study Intercultural Communication from textbook Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 6th Edition by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama.

Chapter 4: History and Intercultural Communication
- Class notes • 3 pages • 2020
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Notes based on lecture slides from Northeastern's Global and Intercultural Communications class. Covers Chapter 4: History of Intercultural Communication from textbook Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 6th Edition by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama.

Chapter 9: Popular Culture and Intercultural Communication
- Class notes • 3 pages • 2020
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Notes based on lecture slides from Northeastern's Global and Intercultural Communications class. Covers Chapter 9: Popular Culture and Intercultural Communication from textbook Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 6th Edition by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama.

Chapter 7: Nonverbal Codes and Cultural Space
- Class notes • 3 pages • 2020
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- $8.49
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Notes based on lecture slides from Northeastern's Global and Intercultural Communications class. Covers Chapter 7: Nonverbal Codes and Cultural Space from textbook Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 6th Edition by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama.

Chapter 10: Culture, Communication, and Intercultural Relationships
- Class notes • 3 pages • 2020
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Notes based on lecture slides from Northeastern's Global and Intercultural Communications class. Covers Chapter 10: Culture, Communication, and Intercultural Relationships from textbook Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 6th Edition by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama.

Chapter 6: Language and Intercultural Communication
- Class notes • 3 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- $8.49
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Notes based on lecture slides from Northeastern's Global and Intercultural Communications class. Covers Chapter 6: Language and Intercultural Communication from textbook Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 6th Edition by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama.

Chapter 11: Culture, Communication and Conflict
- Class notes • 2 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- $8.49
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Notes based on lecture slides from Northeastern's Global and Intercultural Communications class. Covers Chapter 11: Culture, Communication and Conflict from textbook Intercultural Communication in Contexts, 6th Edition by Judith Martin and Thomas Nakayama.

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