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Newest International Human Rights Law summaries
Public International Law Notes - International Law and Domestic Law
- Class notes • 4 pages • 2020
Available in package deal
- $3.92
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Public international law notes on international law and domestic law
international human rights law summary
- Summary • 62 pages • 2018
- $5.98
- 12x sold
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A summary of the book international human rights law by David Harris . The summary includes chapters 1,3,4,5,6,7,19 & 22.
Summary Moeckli Human Rights Law book: chapter 1, 4, 5, 18, 21, (Scope, Reservations, Critiques, UN, Africa, EU, NonStateActors)
- Summary • 10 pages • 2018
- $4.35
- 9x sold
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Content of Human Rights Law at UvA, summary contains chapters mentioned, not chapters on ICCPR/ICESCR
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BUNDLE FULL Master International Human Rights law
- Package deal • 10 items • 2022
- $55.02
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All lecture notes and assignments for the master International Human Rights law at the University of Groningen.

- Institutional law 
- Human Rights Law 
- Health law 
- International crimes and other GVHR
- Refugee & Asylum law (3 assignments)
- Seminar Human Rights law (2 assignments)
- International crimineel tribunals (assingment)
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