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Newest Introduction to Economic Growth summaries
Economic Growth and Institutions summary that got me an 8 for the exam
- Summary • 56 pages • 2020
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- $5.19
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Economic growth and institutions summary of all lectures and questions and answers for the weekly quizzes

A few times (4 or 5 times) I refer to the slides because it contains a lot of mathematics, but this summary provides a really good intuitive understanding of what we discussed (also of the articles that were a bit unclear to me in the lectures because of too few details.
Economic Growth and Institutions summary that got me an 8 for the exam
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Economic growth and institutions summary of all lectures and questions and answers for the weekly quizzes 
A few times (4 or 5 times) I refer to the slides because it contains a lot of mathematics, but this summary provides a really good intuitive understanding of what we discussed (also of the articles that were a bit unclear to me in the lectures because of too few details.
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Did you know that on average a seller on Stuvia earns $82 per month selling study resources? Hmm, hint, hint. Discover all about earning on Stuvia