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Best selling Introduction to Modeling Sustainable Development in Business Processes notes
Extensive summary Sustainable supply chain management
- Summary • 51 pages • 2020 Popular
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- $13.28
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This document contains an extensive summary of the book "Introduction to Modeling Sustainable Development in Business Processes- Theory and Case Studies. " by Inghels (2020). Furthermore, it contains an extensive summary of chapter 3 "System Thinking" by Fiksel
Newest Introduction to Modeling Sustainable Development in Business Processes summaries
Extensive summary Sustainable supply chain management
- Summary • 51 pages • 2020 New
Available in package deal
- $13.28
- 10x sold
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This document contains an extensive summary of the book "Introduction to Modeling Sustainable Development in Business Processes- Theory and Case Studies. " by Inghels (2020). Furthermore, it contains an extensive summary of chapter 3 "System Thinking" by Fiksel
Bundel summary courses SSCM and OSI
- Package deal • 2 items • 2020 New
- $22.84
- 7x sold
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This bundle contains extensive summaries of the courses Sustainable supply chain managment and Organizing sustainable innovation from the minor Sustainability: Management and Innovation at the VU.
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