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Best selling Introduction to Old English notes
Introduction to Old English, Third Edition - Peter S. Baker
- Summary • 29 pages • 2019 Popular
- $5.88
- 2x sold
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This document contains a summary of the 3rd edition of Introduction to Old English by Peter S. Baker. I have summarised chapter 1-16, but have not summarised or translated any of the Old English texts given in the anthology. Please note that, since many Old English words are mentioned, I could not properly spell-check this summary. There may be some typos in there!

Please note Stuvia does not allow me to change my study country. The course this summary 'officially' belongs to (since I have to n...
Volledige Samenvatting Philology 2: Introduction to Old English Language and Literature
- Summary • 69 pages • 2023 Popular
- $8.55
- 2x sold
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Dit is een volledige samenvatting voor het vak Philology 2: Introduction to Old English Language and Literature van de Universiteit Leiden. De samenvatting bevat hoofdstukken 1, 2, 4-8, 10-12, 13.1, 14, 15, 16.1 van Peter Baker's Introduction to Old English en de geschiedenis van de hoorcolleges gegeven door Dr. M.H. (Thijs) Porck
Newest Introduction to Old English summaries
Volledige Samenvatting Philology 2: Introduction to Old English Language and Literature
- Summary • 69 pages • 2023 New
- $8.55
- 2x sold
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Dit is een volledige samenvatting voor het vak Philology 2: Introduction to Old English Language and Literature van de Universiteit Leiden. De samenvatting bevat hoofdstukken 1, 2, 4-8, 10-12, 13.1, 14, 15, 16.1 van Peter Baker's Introduction to Old English en de geschiedenis van de hoorcolleges gegeven door Dr. M.H. (Thijs) Porck
Introduction to Old English, Third Edition - Peter S. Baker
- Summary • 29 pages • 2019 New
- $5.88
- 2x sold
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This document contains a summary of the 3rd edition of Introduction to Old English by Peter S. Baker. I have summarised chapter 1-16, but have not summarised or translated any of the Old English texts given in the anthology. Please note that, since many Old English words are mentioned, I could not properly spell-check this summary. There may be some typos in there!

Please note Stuvia does not allow me to change my study country. The course this summary 'officially' belongs to (since I have to n...
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