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Best selling Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations notes
Political Dimension, Summary of the concepts and examples (2019-2020)
- Summary • 18 pages • 2020 Popular
- $4.82
- 3x sold
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each concept has approximately 100 words, including the example. 
this summary contains a concept list and examples of the following concepts:

1.	Politics*
2.	State*
3.	Sovereignty*
4.	Monopoly of legitimate violence
5.	Collective goods
6.	Unitary vs. federal states
7.	Strong vs. weak states
8.	Traditional vs. charismatic vs. rational-legal authority
9.	Legitimacy*
10.	Power* (with the three faces)
11.	Narrow vs. broad definition of democracy
12.	Direct vs. representative democracy
13.	Plural...
Summary en Key Concepts Political Dimension of Europe year 1
- Summary • 15 pages • 2022 Popular
- $7.51
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Herewith a summary of all the key concepts that are needed in order to fulfill the exam of the Political Dimension of Europe in year 1. With this summary of all the key concepts, I obtained a 8.5!
Newest Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations summaries
Summary en Key Concepts Political Dimension of Europe year 1
- Summary • 15 pages • 2022 New
- $7.51
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Herewith a summary of all the key concepts that are needed in order to fulfill the exam of the Political Dimension of Europe in year 1. With this summary of all the key concepts, I obtained a 8.5!
Summary The Political Dimension of Europe: Key Concepts
- Summary • 20 pages • 2020 New
Available in package deal
- $8.03
- 11x sold
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Concrete summary of all the concepts needed for the Political Dimension of Europe course of European Studies. This summary includes ALL concepts needed for the exam including information from all lectures and seminars and information from the book: Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations by Andrew Heywood. Each concept has a simple definition with an additional explanation and a clear example.
Political Dimension, Summary of the concepts and examples (2019-2020)
- Summary • 18 pages • 2020 New
- $4.82
- 3x sold
- + learn more
each concept has approximately 100 words, including the example. 
this summary contains a concept list and examples of the following concepts:

1.	Politics*
2.	State*
3.	Sovereignty*
4.	Monopoly of legitimate violence
5.	Collective goods
6.	Unitary vs. federal states
7.	Strong vs. weak states
8.	Traditional vs. charismatic vs. rational-legal authority
9.	Legitimacy*
10.	Power* (with the three faces)
11.	Narrow vs. broad definition of democracy
12.	Direct vs. representative democracy
13.	Plural...
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