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Résumés des meilleures ventes pour Math for Nurses

Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales_2020 | NUR 304 Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales_Graded A
- Examen • 39 pages • 2021 Très apprécié
- $15.49
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NUR 304 Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales - University of Miami 1. Questions 1. 1.ID: 16 Amoxicillin 500 mg PO every 8 hours is prescribed for a client with an infection. The drug is available in a suspension of 125 mg/5ml. How many ml should the nurse administer with each dose? ▪ 20 Correct ▪ 4 ▪ 100 500 : X :: 125 : 5 125X = 2,500 X = 20 ml Awarded 1.0 points out of 1.0 possible points. 2. 2.ID: 56 Oxytocin (Pitocin) 4 milliunits/min is prescribed for a client...
Math for Nurses A Pocket Guide to Dosage Calculation and Drug Preparation

- Examen • 20 pages • 2022 Très apprécié
- $25.49
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Master Math and Drug Calculations with the Study Guide for Nursing Students Are you struggling with medication math or drug calculations in your nursing program? The Study Guide for Math and Drug Calculations for Nursing Students is the perfect resource to help you gain confidence, improve your skills, and succeed in your nursing courses and exams. With clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, and plenty of practice problems, this guide is designed to simplify math and drug calculations f...
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NUR 304 Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales - Latest | NUR304 Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales - 96% Score
- Examen • 39 pages • 2021 Très apprécié
- $13.99
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NUR 304 Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales - University of Miami 1. Questions 1. 1.ID: 16 Amoxicillin 500 mg PO every 8 hours is prescribed for a client with an infection. The drug is available in a suspension of 125 mg/5ml. How many ml should the nurse administer with each dose? ▪ 20 Correct ▪ 4 ▪ 100 500 : X :: 125 : 5 125X = 2,500 X = 20 ml Awarded 1.0 points out of 1.0 possible points. 2. 2.ID: 56 Oxytocin (Pitocin) 4 milliunits/min is prescribed for a client...
Derniers résumés de Math for Nurses
Math for Nurses A Pocket Guide to Dosage Calculation and Drug Preparation

- Examen • 20 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- $25.49
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Master Math and Drug Calculations with the Study Guide for Nursing Students Are you struggling with medication math or drug calculations in your nursing program? The Study Guide for Math and Drug Calculations for Nursing Students is the perfect resource to help you gain confidence, improve your skills, and succeed in your nursing courses and exams. With clear explanations, step-by-step instructions, and plenty of practice problems, this guide is designed to simplify math and drug calculations f...

NUR 304 Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales - Latest | NUR304 Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales - 96% Score
- Examen • 39 pages • 2021 Nouveau
- $13.99
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NUR 304 Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales - University of Miami 1. Questions 1. 1.ID: 16 Amoxicillin 500 mg PO every 8 hours is prescribed for a client with an infection. The drug is available in a suspension of 125 mg/5ml. How many ml should the nurse administer with each dose? ▪ 20 Correct ▪ 4 ▪ 100 500 : X :: 125 : 5 125X = 2,500 X = 20 ml Awarded 1.0 points out of 1.0 possible points. 2. 2.ID: 56 Oxytocin (Pitocin) 4 milliunits/min is prescribed for a client...
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Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales_2020 | NUR 304 Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales_Graded A
- Examen • 39 pages • 2021 Nouveau
- $15.49
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NUR 304 Nursing Mathematics Exam 1 Rationales - University of Miami 1. Questions 1. 1.ID: 16 Amoxicillin 500 mg PO every 8 hours is prescribed for a client with an infection. The drug is available in a suspension of 125 mg/5ml. How many ml should the nurse administer with each dose? ▪ 20 Correct ▪ 4 ▪ 100 500 : X :: 125 : 5 125X = 2,500 X = 20 ml Awarded 1.0 points out of 1.0 possible points. 2. 2.ID: 56 Oxytocin (Pitocin) 4 milliunits/min is prescribed for a client...

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