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Best selling Motivation: Theory, Research, and Application notes
Genetic Contributions to Motivated Behaviour
- Class notes • 7 pages • 2020 Popular
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Provides information on natural selection, sexual selection, the Parental Investment Model, instinct theory, ethological theory & key concepts, imprinting & critical periods, and human ethology.
Hedonism and Sensory Stimulation
- Class notes • 5 pages • 2020 Popular
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Provides information on hedonism, sign, intensity, & duration, novelty, curiosity, & exploratory behaviour, attachment, and sensory deprivation.
Conceptualizing and Measuring Motivation and the Role of Evolution in Motivation
- Class notes • 8 pages • 2020 Popular
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- $7.49
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Provides information on conceptualizing motivation, measurement, characteristics, categories of analysis, levels of analysis, constructs, philosophical antecedents, and evolution.
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Newest Motivation: Theory, Research, and Application summaries
Conceptualizing and Measuring Motivation and the Role of Evolution in Motivation
- Class notes • 8 pages • 2020 New
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- $7.49
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Provides information on conceptualizing motivation, measurement, characteristics, categories of analysis, levels of analysis, constructs, philosophical antecedents, and evolution.
Genetic Contributions to Motivated Behaviour
- Class notes • 7 pages • 2020 New
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- $7.49
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Provides information on natural selection, sexual selection, the Parental Investment Model, instinct theory, ethological theory & key concepts, imprinting & critical periods, and human ethology.
Hedonism and Sensory Stimulation
- Class notes • 5 pages • 2020 New
Available in package deal
- $7.49
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Provides information on hedonism, sign, intensity, & duration, novelty, curiosity, & exploratory behaviour, attachment, and sensory deprivation.
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