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Best selling Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice notes
Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice- 4th edition By Parker Smith Test Bank - With Correct Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 339 pages • 2021 Popular
- $14.59
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Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice- 4th edition By Parker Smith 
Test Bank 
Chapter 1 
Multiple-Choice Questions 
(Answers appear in bold) 
1. Every discipline has a unique focus that directs inquiry and distinguishes it from other fields of study. 
A. True 
B. False 
2. The purpose of theory is to: 
A. Explain experience 
B. Describe relationships 
C. Project outcomes 
D. All of the above 
3. Members of a community of scholars share a commitment to all of the following except: 
A. Values 
Newest Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice summaries
Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice- 4th edition By Parker Smith Test Bank - With Correct Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 339 pages • 2021 New
- $14.59
- + learn more
Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice- 4th edition By Parker Smith 
Test Bank 
Chapter 1 
Multiple-Choice Questions 
(Answers appear in bold) 
1. Every discipline has a unique focus that directs inquiry and distinguishes it from other fields of study. 
A. True 
B. False 
2. The purpose of theory is to: 
A. Explain experience 
B. Describe relationships 
C. Project outcomes 
D. All of the above 
3. Members of a community of scholars share a commitment to all of the following except: 
A. Values 
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