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Newest Population summaries
Samenvatting boek Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues (John R. Weeks)
- Summary • 122 pages • 2019
Available in package deal
- $6.36
- 10x sold
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Summary of the whole book 'Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues', by R. Weeks (12th edition, 2014), only excluding CH9. All chapters (CH1-CH12) are summarised, including important concepts, tables and extra images to clarify explanations. Throughout the summary the writing gets a bit shorter, with more focus on just the headlines. The amount of pages seems a lot, but every chapter is summarised in about 10 pages, which is about 1/4 of the total: all chapters in the book sum up to...
Aantekeningen hoorcolleges Demography and Global Population Issues
- Class notes • 41 pages • 2019
Available in package deal
- $3.17
- 1x sold
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Aantekeningen van alle hoorcolleges (behalve het introductiecollege) voor het vak Demography and Global Population Issues, het vak dat in periode 5 van jaar 3 Bachelor Gezondheid en Maatschappij (BGM) gegeven wordt. De hoorcolleges zijn per dia uitgewerkt, zodat je ze goed naast je colleges kunt houden. Succes!
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