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Newest Psychology of Music summaries
Summary Psychology of Music 2nd edition, Leiden 2018/2019
- Summary • 43 pages • 2019
- $6.89
- 25x sold
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This is a summary of the book "Psychology of Music: From Sound to Significance" by Tan, Pfordresher and Harre, for the second year elective/humanities course Music Cognition at Leiden University, 2018/2019. I summarized the chapters we had to read (chapters 3-15, in order of the weeks). THIS SUMMARY ALSO INCLUDES PICTURES FROM THE BOOK. It's a pretty detailed summary, so it contains everything you need to know! :)
Summary Psychology of Music 2nd edition, Leiden 2018/2019
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This is a summary of the book "Psychology of Music: From Sound to Significance" by Tan, Pfordresher and Harre, for the second year elective/humanities course Music Cognition at Leiden University, 2018/2019. I summarized the chapters we had to read (chapters 3-15, in order of the weeks). THIS SUMMARY ALSO INCLUDES PICTURES FROM THE BOOK. It's a pretty detailed summary, so it contains everything you need to know! :)
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