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Newest Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences summaries
Research Workshop: Experiment - Summary
- Summary • 19 pages • 2019
- $3.79
- 10x sold
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This is a summary of the UvA course Research Workshop: Experiment, which is part of their Communication Science program. The summary includes notes taken from all book chapters for this course*, with exception of chapters 2 and 16. The main lecture theory has also been integrated into this summary. The summary is structured in a consistent manner, with each formatting style providing you information about the meaning of the formatted text (e.g. is this a heading, example, important term, additi...
summary book research methods for the behavioral sciences - research workshop experiment
- Summary • 18 pages • 2019
- $5.79
- 10x sold
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university of amsterdam research workshop experiment, summary of the book
chapters 1, 2, 6, 7/9, 8/10, 9/11, 10/12 and 11/13 (depending on your edition)
chapters needed for exam
universiteit van amsterdam samenvatting boek
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