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Newest Social Psychology summaries
Summary Social Psychology / Self and Society Reading (PSY4002Y)
- Summary • 80 pages • 2021
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This document contains a summary of all the recommended reading in Social Psychology / Self and Society taught by Charles Seger, Daniel Rovenpor & Rose Meleady. It's been edited in a digestible way including colour-coding and graphics

About me: I finished my BSc Psychology at UEA in 2020, graduating with a First. All of my uploads here on stuvia are the learning materials I used to achieve my First and I hope they can help you to achieve yours as well! :)
Summary Social Psychology / Self and Society Reading (PSY4002Y)
Last document update:
This document contains a summary of all the recommended reading in Social Psychology / Self and Society taught by Charles Seger, Daniel Rovenpor & Rose Meleady. It's been edited in a digestible way including colour-coding and graphics 
About me: I finished my BSc Psychology at UEA in 2020, graduating with a First. All of my uploads here on stuvia are the learning materials I used to achieve my First and I hope they can help you to achieve yours as well! :)
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