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Newest Strategic Alliance Management summaries
High quality (my grade: 8,9) summary of chapters 1-8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17 & 19 of Tjemkes, Vos & Burgers (2012)
- Summary • 35 pages • 2016
Available in package deal
- $5.82
- 21x sold
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High quality (my grade: 8,9) authentic text style summary of all obligatory chapters for the 2015/2016 Alliances, Mergers and Networks course.
High quality (my grade: 8,9) bulletpoint style summary of Tjemkes, Vos & Burgers (2012), very useful for memorizing all material
- Summary • 32 pages • 2016
Available in package deal
- $4.75
- 6x sold
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High quality (my grade: 8,9) authentic bulletpoint style summary of chapters 1-8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17 & 19 of Tjemkes, Vos & Burgers (2012). All the material is covered, but is minimized to only the most essential information, neatly categorized per chapter and per subject within each chapter. Very useful for remembering the material: read the book (or my text style summary) once or twice for understanding, memorize my bulletpoint style summary, and you will definitely pass this course.
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