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Best selling Sustainable Innovation notes
Extensive summary Organizing sustainable innovation
- Summary • 35 pages • 2020 Popular
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- $10.62
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This document contains an extensive summary of the mandatory chapters from the book: "Sustainable innovation" by Hargadon (2015). Furthermore, it contains an extensive summary of the mandatory articles from the course "Organizing Sustainable Innovation." With this summary I scored an 8 for the open book exam.
Main points OSI
- Summary • 37 pages • 2020 Popular
- $6.37
- 2x sold
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Short summary of the course Organizing Sustainable Innovation (2020), which contains all the main points of the course. This summary contains all the lectures, including the guest lecture and the mandatory reading, consisting the book of Hargadon and relevant articles.
Newest Sustainable Innovation summaries
Main points OSI
- Summary • 37 pages • 2020 New
- $6.37
- 2x sold
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Short summary of the course Organizing Sustainable Innovation (2020), which contains all the main points of the course. This summary contains all the lectures, including the guest lecture and the mandatory reading, consisting the book of Hargadon and relevant articles.
Extensive summary Organizing sustainable innovation
- Summary • 35 pages • 2020 New
Available in package deal
- $10.62
- 3x sold
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This document contains an extensive summary of the mandatory chapters from the book: "Sustainable innovation" by Hargadon (2015). Furthermore, it contains an extensive summary of the mandatory articles from the course "Organizing Sustainable Innovation." With this summary I scored an 8 for the open book exam.
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