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Best selling Test Bank to Maternal Newborn Nursing 5E notes
Test Bank For Maternal-Child Nursing, 5th EDITION
- Exam (elaborations) • 610 pages • 2023 Popular
- $14.89
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2.	Family-centered maternity care developed in response to 
a.	demands by physicians for family involvement in childbirth. 
b.	the Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921. 
c.	parental requests that infants be allowed to remain with them rather than in a nursery. 
d.	changes in pharmacologic management of labor. 
As research began to identify the benefits of early extended parent-infant contact, parents began to insist that the infant remain with them. This gradually developed into the practice of r...
Newest Test Bank to Maternal Newborn Nursing 5E summaries
Test Bank For Maternal-Child Nursing, 5th EDITION
- Exam (elaborations) • 610 pages • 2023 New
- $14.89
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2.	Family-centered maternity care developed in response to 
a.	demands by physicians for family involvement in childbirth. 
b.	the Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921. 
c.	parental requests that infants be allowed to remain with them rather than in a nursery. 
d.	changes in pharmacologic management of labor. 
As research began to identify the benefits of early extended parent-infant contact, parents began to insist that the infant remain with them. This gradually developed into the practice of r...
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