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Best selling The Human Web notes
Course Summary: Global History - GRADE 9,5 - International Studies
- Summary • 19 pages • 2022 Popular
- $7.74
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This is a 19 pages long summary of the Global History course from academic year 2021/22. It is sorted chronologically and merges class notes with lecture notes, for better overview. I made this summary myself and studied with it for the exam, which gave me a 9,5 - the highest grade achieved. So, even though the course has changed slightly by now, it still might help to get an comprehensive overview of the main periods in time since 13.500 BCE; paired with the most important key concepts. 
Newest The Human Web summaries
Course Summary: Global History - GRADE 9,5 - International Studies
- Summary • 19 pages • 2022 New
- $7.74
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This is a 19 pages long summary of the Global History course from academic year 2021/22. It is sorted chronologically and merges class notes with lecture notes, for better overview. I made this summary myself and studied with it for the exam, which gave me a 9,5 - the highest grade achieved. So, even though the course has changed slightly by now, it still might help to get an comprehensive overview of the main periods in time since 13.500 BCE; paired with the most important key concepts. 
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