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Newest The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law summaries
Constitutional Supremacy
- Class notes • 12 pages • 2017
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- what is a constitution?
- structure of commonwealth constitutions 
- westminster model 
- independence 
- elements of constitutional supremacy (supreme law clause, limits on parliamentary sovereignty, judicial review and redress clause, entrenchment and constitutional amendments)
- savings law clauses
Constitutional Law
- Package deal • 4 items • 2017
- $10.49
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1. Constitutional Supremacy
2. Parliament/Legislature 
3. Judicial Independence 
4. Separation of Powers
Separation of Powers
- Class notes • 10 pages • 2017
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- $3.49
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- meaning of separation of powers
- separation of powers in the caribbean
- separation of powers or distribution of powers?
- the judiciary 
- parliament/the legislation 
- the executive 
- the sentencing function 
- separation of powers and power to grant bail 
- ad hominem principle & relevant cases
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Judicial Independence
- Class notes • 10 pages • 2017
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- $3.49
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- meaning of judicial independence 
- elements of judicial independence (appointment, security of tenure, length of tenure, procedure for removal, security of magistrates, financial security, jurisdiction, etc) and relevant cases
- Class notes • 10 pages • 2017
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- $3.49
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- functions and powers of parliament (law-making, control of executive, etc)
- structure of parliament 
- senates (role, security of tenure, efficacy, senate reform) & relevant cases
- parliamentary privileges (what they are, their necessity, their relation to separation of powers and constitutional supremacy)
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