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Newest The Romance of Arthur summaries
Brut by Layamon
- Summary • 3 pages • 2019
- $3.16
- 3x sold
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This summary contains a summary of the introduction of Brut by Layamon, a summary of Layamon's Brut in Romance of Arthur, an Anthology of Medieval Texts in Translation (3rd ed), and extensive notes on the language and audience.
History of the Kings of Britain, or, Historia regum Britanniae by Geoffrey of Monmouth
- Summary • 5 pages • 2019
- $3.16
- 1x sold
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This summary contains a summary of the introduction of History of the Kings of Britain, of Book 8, the conclusion of chapter 14 through chapter 17, of Book 8, most of chapter 19 through chapter 20, of Books 9, 10 and the first two chapters of book 11, as well as a summary of the article "Finding Time for Romance: Mediaeval Arthurian Literary History" by Ad Putter, notes on Geoffrey’s Historia, the title and the truth.
Roman de Brut by Wace
- Summary • 4 pages • 2019
- $2.63
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This summary contains a summary of the introduction to Roman de Brut by Wace, of the Roman de Brut in Romance of Arthur, an Anthology of Medieval Texts in Translation (3rd ed), notes on Wace and the Translation
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