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Newest The Sociology of Work summaries
Lectures and literature Sociology of Work
- Summary • 67 pages • 2020
- $6.90
- 21x sold
- + learn more
In this document consists of all lectures from Sociology of Work, as well as all the used literature. The information from the articles and the book are written in blue so you can choose what to study. 
NB: I also have the book in a PDF file. If you would like to buy this for a small price, you can always message me or send me an e-mail:
Lectures and literature Sociology of Work
Last document update:
In this document consists of all lectures from Sociology of Work, as well as all the used literature. The information from the articles and the book are written in blue so you can choose what to study. 
NB: I also have the book in a PDF file. If you would like to buy this for a small price, you can always message me or send me an e-mail:
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Study stress? For sellers on Stuvia, these are actually golden times. KA-CHING! Earn from your study resources too and start uploading now. Discover all about earning on Stuvia