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Newest Themes in Modern European History, 1890-1945 summaries
Essay: To what extent was Germany to blame for the outbreak of war in 1914? (Mark:60)
- Essay • 4 pages • 2020
- $6.37
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This essay was written to the question To what extent was Germany to blame for the outbreak of war in 1914? Approximately 1,000 words, this essay evaluates German responsibility for the First World War and the international climate in the years leading up to the conflicts. It looks at the actions of the major European powers of the era and covers key events in Morocco and the Balkans. This received a mark of 60, which is a 2:1
Essay: To what extent was Germany to blame for the outbreak of war in 1914? (Mark:60)
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This essay was written to the question To what extent was Germany to blame for the outbreak of war in 1914? Approximately 1,000 words, this essay evaluates German responsibility for the First World War and the international climate in the years leading up to the conflicts. It looks at the actions of the major European powers of the era and covers key events in Morocco and the Balkans. This received a mark of 60, which is a 2:1
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