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Newest Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past summaries

WHAP Chapter 26 Notes - Africa and the Atlantic World
- Textbook notes • 8 pages • 2019
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A complete set of notes of Chapter 26.

WHAP Chapter 28 Notes - The Islamic Empires
- Textbook notes • 10 pages • 2019
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A complete set of notes of chapter 28.

WHAP Chapter 28 Key Terms - The Islamic Empires
- Textbook notes • 3 pages • 2019
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Key Terms:

 1) Osman
 2) Mehmed the Conqueror
 3) Suleyman the Magnificent
 4) Shah Ismail
 5) Shah Abbas
 6) Babur
 7) Akbar
 8) Aurangzeb
 9) Ottomans
10) Safavids
11) Mughals
12) Ghazi
13) Janissaries
14) Twelver Shiism
15) Sikhism
16) Taj Mahal
17) Dhimmi

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Chapter 27 Key Terms - The Tradition and Change in East Asia
- Textbook notes • 3 pages • 2019
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 1) Yongle

 2) Kangxi

 3) Qianglong

 4) Zheng He

 5) Matteo Ricci

 6) Ming Dynasty

 7) Great Wall

 8) Forbidden City

 9) Manchus

10) Scholar - bureaucrats 

11) Filial piety

12) Native learning

13) Dutch learning

14) Foot binding

15) Neo - Confucianism

16) Tokugawa shogunate

17) Daimyo

18) Floating worlds

WHAP Chapter 29 Key Terms - The Russian Empire in Europe and Asia
- Textbook notes • 3 pages • 2019
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Key Terms:
 1) Ivan III (the Great)
 2) Ivan IV (the Terrible)
 3) Peter I (the Great)
 4) Catherine II (the Great)
 5) Vitus Bering
 6) Patriarch Nikon
 7) Avvakum
 8) Cossacks
 9) Boyars
10) Novgorod
11) Oprichniki
12) Law Code of 1649
13) The Pale of Settlement
14) Intelligentsia
15) Old Believers
16) St. Petersburg

WHAP Chapter 25 Notes - New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania
- Textbook notes • 7 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- $7.49
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A complete set of notes of Chapter 25.

WHAP Chapter 23 Notes - Transoceanic Encounters and Global Connections
- Textbook notes • 6 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- $7.49
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Contains a complete set of notes of chapter 23.

WHAP Chapter 23 Key Terms - Transoceanic Encounters and Global Connections
- Textbook notes • 3 pages • 2019
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 1) Prince Henry
 2) Vasco Da Gama
 3) Christopher Columbus
 4) Ferdinand Magellan
 5) James Cook
 6) Cross Staff
 7) Volta do Mar
 8) Motives for Exploration
 9) Seven Years’ War
10) Columbian Exchange
11) Manila Galleons
12) Joint-Stock Company
13) English East India Company
14) VOC

WHAP Chapter 25 Key Terms - New Worlds: The Americas and Oceania
- Textbook notes • 3 pages • 2019
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Key Terms:
 1) Hernan Cortes
 2) Motecuhzoma II
 3) Francisco Pizarro
 4) James Cook
 5) Mestizo
 6) Encomienda
 7) Taino
 8) Criolles
 9) Zambos
10) Hacienda
11) Peninsulares
12) Viceroy
13) Conquistadores
14) Treaty of Tordesillas
15) Repartimiento system
16) Indentured servants
17) Aboriginal Australians

WHAP Chapter 26 Key Terms - Africa and the Atlantic World
- Textbook notes • 2 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- $3.49
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Key Terms: 
1) Thomas Peters
 2) Sunni Ali
 3) Alfonso I
 4) Nzinga
 5) Doña Beatriz
 6) Songhay
 7) Ndongo (Angola)
 8) Fulani
 9) Antonian movement
10) Triangular trade
11) Middle passage
12) Maroons

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