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BIOS 242 All Discussions, Assignments, Concepts, Exam Review, labs (Package Deal) $354.99
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BIOS 242 All Discussions, Assignments, Concepts, Exam Review, labs (Package Deal)

BIOS 242 All Discussions, Assignments, Concepts, Exam Review, labs (Package Deal)

46 items

BIOS 242 Lab Practicum Review


BIOS 242 Lab Practicum Review

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BIOS 242 Week 1 Assignment; Golden Age and Macromolecules


BIOS 242 Week 1 Assignment; Golden Age and Macromolecules

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BIOS 242 Week 1 Concepts; The Cell


Prepare:HistoryofMicrobiology • Doesnothavemembraneboundcellularorganellesandhascellwallmadeupofpeptidoglycan: • AccordingtoBinomialsystemthescientificnameofanylivingorganismhas(selectallthatapply): • Hewasthefirstpersontouseswanneckflasktodisapprovethetheoryofspontaneousgeneration: • Fa...

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BIOS 242 Week 1 Discussion; Microscopy (4 Options)


WEEK 1 Welcome to week 1! This week we have a total of 4 four options for you to answer in thisweek’s discussion. You may choice at least one (1) question and answer by Wednesdayby 11:59 pm eastern time.Please be aware, you must also post 2 additional timeswhichbothcan be a reply. You can also an...

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BIOS 242 Week 1 Discussion; Microscopy (Option I)


WEEK 1 Welcome to week 1! This week we have a total of 4 four options for you to answer in thisweek’s discussion. You may choice at least one (1) question and answer by Wednesdayby 11:59 pm eastern time.Please be aware, you must also post 2 additional timeswhichbothcan be a reply. You can also an...

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BIOS 242 Week 1 Lab 1; Culture Transfer Techniques


Lab1:CultureTransferTechniques LearningObjectives: • Identifytheimportanceofaseptictechniqueinthefieldofmicrobiology • Applytheconceptofaseptictechniqueanditsimportanceinthefieldofmicrobiology. • Identifydifferentformsofbasicgrowthmedia • Transferapurebacterialculturefromonegrowthmedi...

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BIOS 242 Week 1 Lab 2; Isolation of Pure Cultures


Lab2:TechniquesforIsolationofPureCultures LearningObjectives: • Isolatepureculturesfromamixedpopulationofmicroorganismsusingaseptictechnique. • Learnthestreakplatemethod Introduction: Inthislaboratoryexercise,coloniesfrommixturesofEscherichiacoliandSerratiamarcescenswillbeisolatedusingt...

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BIOS 242 Week 2 Assignment; Cells


1. DrawanimageofaProkaryoticcellinthespacebelow.Labelalltheorganellesandstructurespresentin atypicalprokaryotic cell. 2. CompletethefollowingtablebylistingvariousorganellesandstructurescommonlyfoundinaProkaryoticcellanddescribe theirfunctionsin 1-2sentences. 3. DrawanimageofaEukaryoticcellinthespa...

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BIOS 242 Week 2 Concepts; Classification and Nutrition


Week2Concepts:ClassificationandNutrition ProkaryoticvsEukaryoticCells Prepare:ProkaryoticvsEukaryoticCells • Thecellularstructuresfoundinprokaryotesare(selectallthatapply) • TheGramstainworksbecauseofdifferencesinthe ofbacteria. Prokaryotesinclude • Which of the following structures cont...

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BIOS 242 Week 2 Discussion; Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes


BIOS 242 Week 2 Discussion: Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Choose ONE cellular component that is only found in eukaryotes. Discuss what its role is.

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BIOS 242 Week 2 Lab 1; Microscopy


Lab3:Microscopy-ObservationofCells LearningObjectives: • Usethecompoundlightmicroscopeforobservationofcells. • Identifydifferenttypesofbacteriabasedontheirshapes. • Identifyavarietyofeukaryoticcells. Introduction: Exercise2:ObservationofDifferentTypesofBacteriaMaterials: Compoundmicro...

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BIOS 242 Week 2 Lab 2; Simple Staining


Lab4:SimpleStaining LearningObjectives: • Tolearnaboutprincipleofstaining • Tolearntheprocessofsimplestain • Topreparewetmountslides Exercise1:SimpleStainMaterials: OvernightculturesofS.epidermidis,B.subtilis,S.cerevisiae(yeast),inoculatingloop,glassslides,incinerators,crystalvioletora...

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BIOS 242 Week 3 Assignment; Microbial Nutrition.


WK3ALTMicrobialNutrition 1. Theorganismsthatcanuseinorganiccarbonandtheenergyofchemicalreactions ______ . 2. A______requiresorganicmoleculesforcarbonandenergyfromsunlight. 3. During______transportwatertransfersthroughsemipermeablefollowing concentration gradient. 4. Microorganismslivinginsoila...

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BIOS 242 Week 3 Concepts; Metabolism


Week3Concepts:Metabolism FactorsaffectingMicrobialGrowth Prepare:FactorsAffectingMicrobialGrowth • Thephaseofthebacterialgrowthcurveinwhichtherateofmultiplicationequalstherateofcelldeathisthe .deathphase • AnorganismthatgrowsinlowerpHconditionsiscalleda . • Anorganismthatusesorganiccarbon...

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BIOS 242 Week 3 Discussion; Culturing Microorganisms - Amoeba


Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: • Textbook: Chapters 7, 8 • Weekly Concepts Initial Post Instructions Class, let’s discuss the categories that organisms can be grouped in based on their nutritional requirements. Find one microorganism, either a pr...

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BIOS 242 Week 3 Discussion; Culturing Microorganisms - Halobacterium noricense


Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: • Textbook: Chapters 7, 8 • Weekly Concepts Initial Post Instructions Class, let’s discuss the categories that organisms can be grouped in based on their nutritional requirements. Find one microorganism, either a ...

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BIOS 242 Week 3 EXAM 1 Review. Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9


Exam1review WEEK1 HereissomeinformationaboutExam1. • Thisexaminationcoverscontentlearnedinweeks1and2. • Thisexamisworth120totalpoints,andincludesthefollowingtypesofquestions: o 25Multiplechoicequestions o 5Fillintheblankquestions o 2Shortanswerquestions o 2Essayquestions • Youhave...

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BIOS 242 Week 3 EXAM 1. Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 (Multiple Choice Questions Review)


MICRO. Exam 1 1. Question:Describe the idea of spontaneous generation and what experiments have refuted this idea? Describe the experiment of Louis Pasteur in detail as well as the inferences that were made. What was a specific feature of the experiment that has allowed to experiment? 2. Question:...

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BIOS 242 Week 3 Lab 1; Differential Staining


Lab5:DifferentialStaining LearningObjectives: • Explaintheprincipleofdifferentialstaining • Applydifferentialstainingtoidentifybacteria Differentialstainusestwoormorestainstospecificallystaincertainstructuresorcellularcomponentswhichcannotbeeasilyobservedusingsimplestains.Differential st...

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BIOS 242 Week 3 Lab 2; Carbohydrate Fermentation


Lab6:CarbohydrateFermentation LearningObjectives: • Definefermentationanddevelopaknowledgeoffermentationendproducts. • Understandthetheorybehindthecarbohydratefermentationprocedure. • Understandthevariouscomponentsofthecarbohydratemediaandhowthesecomponents work. • Appropriatelyanalyze...

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BIOS 242 Week 4 Concepts; Controlling Microbial Growth


Week4Concepts:ControllingMicrobialGrowth ControllingMicrobialGrowth Prepare:ControllingMicrobialGrowth • Thesterilizinggasusedinchemiclavesis . • HEPAfiltersareusedtoremovemicrobesfrom • Whichofthefollowingmicrobialformshasthehighestresistancetophysicalandchemicalcontrols? • Sterilizat...

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BIOS 242 Week 4 Discussion; Controlling Microbial Growth


RequiredResources Read/reviewthefollowingresourcesforthisactivity: • Textbook:Chapters12,13 • WeeklyConcepts InitialPromptInstructions Youwillbetheexpert:Imagineyouareteachingaclassoncontrollingmicrobialgrowthin the environment. To test your students, you will present them with a scenario...

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BIOS 242 Week 4 Lab 1; Disinfectants and Antibiotics


LabReport: Disinfectants and Antibiotics Purpose: Describe thepurposeofthe lab. Exercise1:Disinfectants Organism1: Besuretorecordthechemicalorproductyoutestedandcompletethistablebyobtainingdatafromothergroupsinyourclass Organism2: Besuretorecordthechemicalorproductyoutestedandcompletethistab...

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BIOS 242 Week 4 Lab 2; Fomite Transmission


Lab8:FomiteTransmission LearningObjectives: • Definefomiteandhowbacteriaaretransferredviafomites. • Explaintheroleoffomitetransmissioninthehospital. • Definenosocomialinfections,HAIs(hospitalacquiredinfections),andIatrogenicinfections. Introduction: Materials:Agarplate,Marker,ruler,ste...

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BIOS 242 Week 5 Concepts; The Immune System.docx


Week5Concepts:TheImmuneSystem Epidemiology Prepare:Epidemiology • TheprincipalgovernmentagencyresponsiblefortrackinginfectiousdiseasesintheUnitedStatesisthe • Thestudyofthefrequencyanddistributionofadiseaseinadefinedpopulationis . • TheCentersforDiseaseControlandPreventionassignsthemostvi...

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BIOS 242 Week 5 Discussion; Adaptive Immunity (Brief)


RequiredResources Read/reviewthefollowingresourcesforthisactivity: • Textbook:Chapter14,15,16 • Lesson InitialPostInstructions Your friend Bruce calls in a panic. He has just come from the doctor and beendiagnosed with a bacterial infection. The doctor told him not to worry; his B cells w...

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BIOS 242 Week 5 Discussion; Adaptive Immunity


Week5Discussion:Adaptive Immunity The doctor is very correct to say that B cells will take care of the bacterial infection thatBrucewasdiagnosedwith.Bcellsarelymphocytes,orthecellsoftheadaptiveimmunesystem,that can effectively fight off several common viruses and bacteria. B cells are obtained fr...

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BIOS 242 Week 5 EXAM 2 Review. Chapters 7, 8, 11, 12, 13


EXAM2REVIEW HereissomeinformationaboutExam2. • Thisexaminationcoverscontentlearnedinweeks3and4. • Thisexamisworth120totalpoints,andincludesthefollowingtypesofquestions: o 25Multiplechoicequestions o 5Multipleanswerandmatchingquestions o 10Fillintheblankquestion o 2Essayquestions • Youh...

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BIOS 242 Week 5 Lab 1; Food Safety


Lab9:FoodSafety LearningObjectives: • Tolearnabouteffectivenessofhandwashing • Tolearnaboutcleaningproduce • Tolearnaboutappropriatelystoringfoods GI infections occur due to contaminated food and water. Clean drinking water, washed produce,appropriatestorageoffoodandsimplepersonalhygieneh...

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BIOS 242 Week 5 Lab 2; How Germs Spread (v1)


Lab10:HowGermsSpread Learningobjectives: • Tolearnhowgermsspread • Tobetterunderstandthespreadofgerms,byhealthcareprofessionals,frompatienttopatient • Tobetterunderstandtheimportanceofgoodhandwashing. Germsspreadinmanydifferentways.Directcontact,indirectcontact,aerosoltransmission,sexua...

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BIOS 242 Week 5 Lab 2; How Germs Spread (v2)


Lab10:HowGermsSpread Learningobjectives: • Identifyhowgermsspread • Explainthespreadofgerms • Identifytheimportanceofgoodhandwashing. Germsspreadinmanydifferentways.Directcontact,indirectcontact,aerosoltransmission,sexuallytransmittedorthroughavector.Inthislab,wewillobservehowgermssprea...

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BIOS 242 Week 6 Assignment; Pathogens


BIOS 242 Week 6 Assignment; Pathogens

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BIOS 242 Week 6 Concepts; Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases


Week6Concepts:EpidemiologyofInfectiousDiseases Skin,NervousSystem,andCirculatorySystemPathogens Prepare:SkinandNervousSystemPathogens • Whichofthefollowingisnotapriondisease? • Mostcasesofsepsisarecausedby . • Protectivefeaturesoftheskinincludeallofthefollowingexcept . • Whichofthefo...

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BIOS 242 Week 6 Discussion; Epidemiology


RequiredResources Read/reviewthefollowingresourcesforthisactivity: • Textbook:Chapter18,19,20 • WeeklyConcepts InitialPostInstructions Some microorganisms like Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Yesinia pestis, E. coli cancause diseases of different body systems. Let's investigate how the sa...

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BIOS 242 Week 6 Lab 1; Bacteria of the skin


Lab11:BacteriaoftheSkin LearningObjectives: • Identifythegrowthofskinbacteriaondifferenttypesofselectiveanddifferentialmedia. • Identifypathogenicfromnon-pathogenicbacteria Introduction: Our skin forms the first line of defense. It has several characteristics that makes it an inhospitable...

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BIOS 242 Week 6 Lab 2; Bacteria of Respiratory System


Lab12:BacteriaoftheRespiratorySystem Introduction: Therespiratorysystemisdividedintotwoparts:theupperandlowerrespiratorysystems.Thelowerrespiratorysystemisanaxenicenvironmentbecauseof the cilia that lines the respiratory tract, alveolar macrophages and IgA antibodies found in the mucus. The upper ...

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BIOS 242 Week 7 Assignment; Pathogens Summary Part 2


BIOS 242 Week 7 Assignment; Pathogens Summary Part 2

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BIOS 242 Week 7 Assignment; Pick Your Pathogen - Clostridium Perfringens


BIOS 242 Week 7 Assignment; Pick Your Pathogen - Clostridium Perfringens

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BIOS 242 Week 7 Assignment; Pick Your Pathogen - Rubella Virus


BIOS 242 Week 7 Assignment; Pick Your Pathogen - Rubella Virus

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BIOS 242 Week 7 Assignment; Pick Your Pathogen - Zika Virus


BIOS 242 Week 7 Assignment; Pick Your Pathogen - Zika Virus

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BIOS 242 Week 7 Concepts; Epidemiology of Infectious


Week7Concepts:EpidemiologyofInfectiousDiseases Respiratory,Digestive,andUrogenitalSystemPathogens Prepare:Respiratory,Digestive,andUrogenitalSystemPathogens • AwomanismuchmorelikelythanamantocontractaUTI.Whichofthefollowingpracticeswouldbestreduceherchancesofgetting aUTI? • Whatfeaturesofthe...

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BIOS 242 Week 7 Discussion; Pathogens


Week7Discussion:PathogensHelloclassandprofessor, My name is Staphylococcus aureus, also known as (staph), and I live around the nose,mouth, genitals, anus and even in skin surfaces of humans. Besides humans I can also stay inanimals such as cats, horses and dogs. My most important site is the nose....

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BIOS 242 Week 7 Lab 1; Bacteria of Digestive System


Lab13:BacteriaoftheDigestiveSystem LearningObjectives • Identifyhowselectiveanddifferentialmediacanbeusedintheidentificationofbacteriathatcaninhabit the digestive tract. • Identifythegrowthofsamplesofpresumedfecalbacteriafromrestroomswabs. Introduction The human intestinal tract is inha...

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BIOS 242 Week 7 Lab 2; Unknown Bacteria


Lab14:UnknownWorksheet LearningObjectives: • Applyknowledgeacquiredinthelaboratoryexercises • Predicttheidentityofanunknownbacteriainthegivencasestudy • Based on the two dichotomous keys given, answer the following case studies. For each casestudyyoushouldwrite1-2paragraphs,usingcompletese...

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BIOS 242 Week 8 Discussion; Looking Ahead


BIOS 242 Week 8 Discussion: Looking Ahead As you complete BIOS242, describe the following: 1) One of the key concepts you learned that appealed you the most; 2) How concepts of Microbiology will help you in clinical sciences such as pathophysiology; 3) The importance of knowledge of microbiolo...

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BIOS 242 Week 8 EXAM 3 Review. Chapters 14-23 (excluding 16, 17)


EXAM3REVIEW HereissomeinformationaboutExam3. • Thisexaminationcovers contentlearnedinweeks5,6and7.(CO9 &CO10) • Thisexamisworth180 totalpoints,andincludesthefollowingtypesofquestions: o 30Multiplechoicequestions o 5Multipleanswerandmatchingquestions o 4Fillintheblank question o 3Essayques...

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