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NUR 550 All Course Assignments & DQs (Bundle)
NUR 550 All Course Assignments & DQs (Bundle)
[Show more]NUR 550 All Course Assignments & DQs (Bundle)
[Show more]NUR 550 Topic 1 Assignment; Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal; Identification of Nursing Practice Problem 
Learners will select a valid nursing practice problem for an evidence-based practice project proposal. The project will be completed in sections, beginning in NUR-550 and culminating in ...
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Add to cartNUR 550 Topic 1 Assignment; Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal; Identification of Nursing Practice Problem 
Learners will select a valid nursing practice problem for an evidence-based practice project proposal. The project will be completed in sections, beginning in NUR-550 and culminating in ...
Identifythedifferentlevelsoftranslationalresearch.Explainhowtranslationalresearchisdifferentfromevidence-basedpracticeand discussapplicationtopopulationhealth management. 
UsingtheGCULibrary(notablytheGCULibrary:NursingandHealthSciencesResearchGuide),findadatabase, journal, o...
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Identifythedifferentlevelsoftranslationalresearch.Explainhowtranslationalresearchisdifferentfromevidence-basedpracticeand discussapplicationtopopulationhealth management. 
UsingtheGCULibrary(notablytheGCULibrary:NursingandHealthSciencesResearchGuide),findadatabase, journal, o...
Identifythedifferentlevelsoftranslationalresearch.Explainhowtranslationalresearchisdifferentfromevidence-basedpracticeand discussapplicationtopopulationhealth management.
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Identifythedifferentlevelsoftranslationalresearch.Explainhowtranslationalresearchisdifferentfromevidence-basedpracticeand discussapplicationtopopulationhealth management.
UsingtheGCULibrary(notablytheGCULibrary:NursingandHealthSciencesResearchGuide),findadatabase, journal, or other collection of resources that focuses on translational research. Select apopulationhealthproblemorissueofinterestfromtheavailablestudies.Whattypeoftranslationalresearchisusedforth...
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UsingtheGCULibrary(notablytheGCULibrary:NursingandHealthSciencesResearchGuide),findadatabase, journal, or other collection of resources that focuses on translational research. Select apopulationhealthproblemorissueofinterestfromtheavailablestudies.Whattypeoftranslationalresearchisusedforth...
NUR 550 Topic 2 Assignment; Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal; Research Design Comparison 
The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a comparison on different research designs to better understand their designs and application. Understanding the different types of research design is import...
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Add to cartNUR 550 Topic 2 Assignment; Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal; Research Design Comparison 
The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a comparison on different research designs to better understand their designs and application. Understanding the different types of research design is import...
Explainthevalueofbiostatisticsinpopulationhealthresearch.Describetheroleofepidemiologyinresearching and addressing population health challenges. How are epidemiology and biostatisticssignificanttoyourevidence-basedpracticeproposal? 
Consider ecological and global issues, soci...
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Add to cartWeek2DQ1 
Explainthevalueofbiostatisticsinpopulationhealthresearch.Describetheroleofepidemiologyinresearching and addressing population health challenges. How are epidemiology and biostatisticssignificanttoyourevidence-basedpracticeproposal? 
Consider ecological and global issues, soci...
Explainthevalueofbiostatisticsinpopulationhealthresearch.Describetheroleofepidemiologyinresearching and addressing population health challenges. How are epidemiology and biostatisticssignificanttoyourevidence-basedpracticeproposal?
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Explainthevalueofbiostatisticsinpopulationhealthresearch.Describetheroleofepidemiologyinresearching and addressing population health challenges. How are epidemiology and biostatisticssignificanttoyourevidence-basedpracticeproposal?
Consider ecological and global issues, social determinants of health, principles of genetics, andgenomics.Explainhowtranslationalresearchcanbeappliedintheseareastoaddresstheburdenofglobaldisease.
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Consider ecological and global issues, social determinants of health, principles of genetics, andgenomics.Explainhowtranslationalresearchcanbeappliedintheseareastoaddresstheburdenofglobaldisease.
NUR 550 Topic 3 Assignment; Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal; PICOT 
PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) is a method that helps clarify the qualities needed to create a good question out of a practice issue or problem affecting a pop...
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Add to cartNUR 550 Topic 3 Assignment; Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal; PICOT 
PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) is a method that helps clarify the qualities needed to create a good question out of a practice issue or problem affecting a pop...
Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translationalresearch. What are the ethical and legal considerations related to translating research into practice?Discusswhatstepsyouwouldtakeasamemberofatranslationalresearchteaminordertoestablishethical gui...
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Add to cartWeek3DQ1 
Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translationalresearch. What are the ethical and legal considerations related to translating research into practice?Discusswhatstepsyouwouldtakeasamemberofatranslationalresearchteaminordertoestablishethical gui...
Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translationalresearch. What are the ethical and legal considerations related to translating research into practice?Discusswhatstepsyouwouldtakeasamemberofatranslationalresearchteaminordertoestablishethical gui...
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Discuss the ethical guidelines that would need to be implemented when conducting translationalresearch. What are the ethical and legal considerations related to translating research into practice?Discusswhatstepsyouwouldtakeasamemberofatranslationalresearchteaminordertoestablishethical gui...
Discuss the role of the Institutional Review Board. Discuss ethical research considerations specific topopulationhealth.Howarerespectforthepersons,potentialbenefitsandburdensoftheresearch,andjusticekeptinbalance?Provideanexample.
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Discuss the role of the Institutional Review Board. Discuss ethical research considerations specific topopulationhealth.Howarerespectforthepersons,potentialbenefitsandburdensoftheresearch,andjusticekeptinbalance?Provideanexample.
Discuss the role of the Institutional Review Board. Discuss ethical research considerations specific topopulationhealth.Howarerespectforthepersons,potentialbenefitsandburdensoftheresearch,andjusticekeptinbalance?Provideanexample.
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Discuss the role of the Institutional Review Board. Discuss ethical research considerations specific topopulationhealth.Howarerespectforthepersons,potentialbenefitsandburdensoftheresearch,andjusticekeptinbalance?Provideanexample.
NUR 550 Topic 4 Assignment; Benchmark - Evidence-Based Practice Project; PICOT Paper 
Refer to the PICOT you developed for your evidence-based practice project proposal. If your PICOT required revision, include those revisions in this assignment. You will use your PICOT paper for all subsequent assi...
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Add to cartNUR 550 Topic 4 Assignment; Benchmark - Evidence-Based Practice Project; PICOT Paper 
Refer to the PICOT you developed for your evidence-based practice project proposal. If your PICOT required revision, include those revisions in this assignment. You will use your PICOT paper for all subsequent assi...
NUR 550 Topic 4 Assignment; Benchmark - Evidence-Based Practice Project; PICOT Paper 
Refer to the PICOT you developed for your evidence-based practice project proposal. If your PICOT required revision, include those revisions in this assignment. You will use your PICOT paper for all subsequent assi...
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Add to cartNUR 550 Topic 4 Assignment; Benchmark - Evidence-Based Practice Project; PICOT Paper 
Refer to the PICOT you developed for your evidence-based practice project proposal. If your PICOT required revision, include those revisions in this assignment. You will use your PICOT paper for all subsequent assi...
Distinguishbetweenreliabilityandvalidityinresearchdesign.Usingatranslationalresearcharticlefromyour graphic organizer, analyze the methods and results sections to discuss reliability and validity as itrelatestothetranslationalresearch.Includethepermalinktothearticleinyourreference.
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Add to cartWeek4DQ1 
Distinguishbetweenreliabilityandvalidityinresearchdesign.Usingatranslationalresearcharticlefromyour graphic organizer, analyze the methods and results sections to discuss reliability and validity as itrelatestothetranslationalresearch.Includethepermalinktothearticleinyourreference.
Distinguishbetweenreliabilityandvalidityinresearchdesign.Usingatranslationalresearcharticlefromyour graphic organizer, analyze the methods and results sections to discuss reliability and validity as itrelatestothetranslationalresearch.Includethepermalinktothearticleinyourreference.
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Distinguishbetweenreliabilityandvalidityinresearchdesign.Usingatranslationalresearcharticlefromyour graphic organizer, analyze the methods and results sections to discuss reliability and validity as itrelatestothetranslationalresearch.Includethepermalinktothearticleinyourreference.
Identify a data collection tool you could use for your research. Consider how you could employtranslationalresearchtopotentiallyovercomebarriers,whichmayariseduringdatacollection.Identifythe best type of translational research to address this barrier and provide rationale for the type yo...
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Identify a data collection tool you could use for your research. Consider how you could employtranslationalresearchtopotentiallyovercomebarriers,whichmayariseduringdatacollection.Identifythe best type of translational research to address this barrier and provide rationale for the type yo...
NUR 550 Topic 5 Assignment; Evidence-Based Practice Project; Evaluation of Literature Table 
The purpose of this assignment is to provide research evidence in support of the PICOT you developed for your selected topic. 
Conduct a search for 10 peer-reviewed, translational research articles published...
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Add to cartNUR 550 Topic 5 Assignment; Evidence-Based Practice Project; Evaluation of Literature Table 
The purpose of this assignment is to provide research evidence in support of the PICOT you developed for your selected topic. 
Conduct a search for 10 peer-reviewed, translational research articles published...
NUR 550 Topic 5 DQ 1 
Identify either a safety or quality improvement initiative related to improving population health. How can translational research influence the development of these initiatives? Include a specific example to support your response.
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Add to cartNUR 550 Topic 5 DQ 1 
Identify either a safety or quality improvement initiative related to improving population health. How can translational research influence the development of these initiatives? Include a specific example to support your response.
Topic 5DQ2 
Identify a quality initiative from your workplace. What were some barriers toimplementation?Whatarecommonbarriersfortranslatingresearchintopractice?
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Add to cartTopic 5DQ2 
Identify a quality initiative from your workplace. What were some barriers toimplementation?Whatarecommonbarriersfortranslatingresearchintopractice?
Evaluateaclinicalpreventativeinterventiondesignedtopromotehealthandwellnessforpopulations.Summarize the intervention and explain whether it has been successful. You will use the clinicalpreventativeinterventionyou selectfor DQ2. 
Discuss how to integrate appropriate informa...
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Add to cartWeek6DQ1 
Evaluateaclinicalpreventativeinterventiondesignedtopromotehealthandwellnessforpopulations.Summarize the intervention and explain whether it has been successful. You will use the clinicalpreventativeinterventionyou selectfor DQ2. 
Discuss how to integrate appropriate informa...
Evaluateaclinicalpreventativeinterventiondesignedtopromotehealthandwellnessforpopulations.Summarize the intervention and explain whether it has been successful. You will use the clinicalpreventativeinterventionyou selectfor DQ2.
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Evaluateaclinicalpreventativeinterventiondesignedtopromotehealthandwellnessforpopulations.Summarize the intervention and explain whether it has been successful. You will use the clinicalpreventativeinterventionyou selectfor DQ2.
Discuss how to integrate appropriate information and communication technologies for the clinicalpreventativeinterventioninDQ1(colorectalscreenings)toimprovenursingpracticeandcaredeliveryforindividuals andpopulations.
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Discuss how to integrate appropriate information and communication technologies for the clinicalpreventativeinterventioninDQ1(colorectalscreenings)toimprovenursingpracticeandcaredeliveryforindividuals andpopulations.
NUR 550 Topic 7 Assignment; Benchmark -Evidence-Based Practice Project; Literature Review 
The purpose of this assignment is to write a review of the research articles you evaluated in your Topic 5 "EvidenceBased Practice Project: Evaluation of Literature" assignment. If you have been directed by ...
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Add to cartNUR 550 Topic 7 Assignment; Benchmark -Evidence-Based Practice Project; Literature Review 
The purpose of this assignment is to write a review of the research articles you evaluated in your Topic 5 "EvidenceBased Practice Project: Evaluation of Literature" assignment. If you have been directed by ...
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NUR 550 Topic 8 Assignment; Benchmark - Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis 
Select a current or proposed health care policy that is designed to provide equitable health care for a diverse population. Create a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation discussing the health care policy and how it imp...
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Add to cartNUR 550 Topic 8 Assignment; Benchmark - Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis 
Select a current or proposed health care policy that is designed to provide equitable health care for a diverse population. Create a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation discussing the health care policy and how it imp...
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