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1 Exam (elaborations) Anatomy and physiology midterm TCDHA fully solved 2023/2024 2 Exam (elaborations) Dental materials Midterm TCDHA question n answers graded A+ 3 Exam (elaborations) Histology & Embryology sem 1 test 1 (tcdha)fully solved 2023/2024 4 Exam (elaborations) Histology & Embryology...

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61 items

Vitamins - Nutrition (TCDHA) Questions and answers rated A+ 2023/2024


Vitamins - Nutrition (TCDHA) Calcium - correct answer AKA Calcium Carbonate RDA: 1000mg/day At risk for osteoporosis when deficient Sources - dairy products, sesame seeds etc Most abundant mineral in the body Chloride - correct answer RDA: 2.3mg/day When deficient: sweating, chronic diarrhe...

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Tooth Eruption Dates question n answers graded A+ 2023


Tooth Eruption DatesMaxillary Central Incisor #8 & #9 - correct answer 7-8 years (root completion 10 years) Maxillary Lateral Incisor #7 & #10 - correct answer 8-9 years (root completion 11 years) Maxillary Canine # 6 & #11 - correct answer 11-12 years (root completion 13-15 years) Maxillar...

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Tissues and membranes Tcdha fully solved 2023/2024


Tissues and membranes Tissue Classification - correct answer Tissues, groups of cells, similar in structure , arrange in a characteristic pattern , and specialized for the performance of specific tasks; Histology, is the study of tissues it shows that the for, arrangement, and composition of cells...

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The Circulatory System BLOOD VESSELS AND CIRCULATION 2023/2024 passed


The Circulatory System BLOOD VESSELS AND CIRCULATION arteries - correct answer carry blood away from the heart; more muscular than veins and appear more circular in tissue sections; blood flow pulses, has high and low blood pressure points veins - correct answer carry blood to the heart; greater...

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tcdha sem 2- Pharm I- Ch.1 questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


tcdha sem 2- Pharm I- Ch.1What is pharmacology? - correct answer the study of drugs and their interactions with living systems What is the best time for dental hygiene appointments for those who require medications for invasive dental treatment?? - correct answer Early Morning What are the 2 k...

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TCDHA Rad Theory FINAL question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


TCDHA Rad Theory FINALFirst invented X-rays - correct answer Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 1895 Classifications of ionizing radiation - correct answer electromagnetic, particulate electromagnetic radiation - correct answer man made or occurs naturally, possesses no mass Particulate radiation - co...

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TCDHA Rad Theory - Week 1&2 fully solved 2023/2024


TCDHA Rad Theory - Week 1&2. thyroid collar - correct answer flexible lead shield -protect the thyroid gland from scatter radiation. lead apron - correct answer a flexible lead shield -to protect the patients reproductive and blood forming tissues from scatter radiation inherent filtration...

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TCDHA Rad Final Review 2023/2024 updated to pass


TCDHA Rad Final Reviewradiation is defined as - correct answer a form of energy carried by waves or streams of particles a radiograph is defined as - correct answer a picture on film produced by the passage of x-rays through an object or body why are dental images important - correct answer ma...

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TCDHA Rad Chap 1-8, 17, 19 questions well answered 2023/2024


TCDHA Rad Chap 1-8, 17, 19radiolucent - correct answer appears black or dark on a radiograph insufficient density tissues are soft or thin ex. air spaces, soft tissue, dental pulp, PDL space radiopaque - correct answer appears white or light on a radiograph dense tissues are hard o...

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TCDHA PreClinic Quiz 2 well answered rated A+ 2023/2024


TCDHA PreClinic Quiz 2area specific curet design - correct answer face is 70 degrees to the lower shank, one cutting egde is lower than the other area specific curet function - correct answer remove light to moderate calculus deposits from the crowns and roots of the teeth cross section of are...

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TCDHA PreClinic Quiz 1 well answers graded A+ 2023/2024


TCDHA PreClinic Quiz 1Anterior Surfaces TOWARD (Right Handed) - correct answer Position from 8 - 9 o'clock Anterior Surfaces AWAY (Right Handed) - correct answer Position at 12 o'clock (in clinic) Position from 11 to 1 o'clock (test and textbook) Posterior Surfaces TOWARD (Right Handed) -...

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tcdha pharm midterm question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


tcdha pharm midtermPatients with chronic pain should be managed with? - correct answer nonopioids and referred to appropriate specialists Tramadol (Ultram) - correct answer An orally administered nonopioid with weak analgesic activity naloxone (Narcan) - correct answer block the therapeutic an...

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TCDHA periodontics midterm questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


TCDHA periodontics midtermLeukemia-Associated Gingivitis - correct answer An exaggerated inflammatory response to plaque resulting in increased bleeding and tissue enlargement Pyogenic Granuloma - correct answer pregnancy related mushroom-like growth, not cancerous or painful. usually regresses a...

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TCDHA Perio 1 Final questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


TCDHA Perio 1 Final immune system - correct answer complex body defines system- protects body against bacteria, viruses, toxins and parasites innate system - correct answer -present at birth -not antigen specific -present at all times -does not improve with repeated exposure to infectious...

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TCDHA Orofacial II - Skeletal System 2023/2024 verified to pass


TCDHA Orofacial II - Skeletal Systemcondyle - correct answer relatively large, convex, oval, typically located at joints/articulations tuberosity - correct answer large, rough prominence, area for muscle and tendon attachment head - correct answer rounded, projecting from bone by a neck arc...

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TCDHA Oro Week 10-11 questions with verified solution 2023/2024


TCDHA Oro Week 10-11Dental Anomaly - correct answer extreme or slight deviations of dental tissue origin derived from enamel, dentin, or cementum intrinsic factor - correct answer meaning internal, or coming from within ex. hereditary, metabolic dysfunction or mutations extrinsic factor - c...

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TCDHA Orafacial 2 - Chapter 3 with 100% correct answers


TCDHA Orafacial 2 - Chapter 3Condyle - correct answer Rounded process that usually articulates with another bone condyle of mandible - correct answer photo reference Tuberosity - correct answer Large rounded projection; may be roughened. Usually for muscle & tendon attachment Head - correct...

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TCDHA Nutrition Test 1 fully solved graded A+ 2023/2024


TCDHA Nutrition Test 1What are the macronutrients? - correct answer Water, protein, carbs, fat, alcohol What is the most important nutrient? - correct answer Water What macronutrient(s) provide energy? - correct answer Protein, Carbs, Alcohol What is/are micronutrient(s)? - correct answer V...

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TCDHA Microbiology Quiz 1 and Midterm 2023/2024 already passed


TCDHA Microbiology Quiz 1 and MidtermGive two examples of a eukaryotic microorganism. - correct answer yeast, grass, trees, plants, animals Give an example of a prokaryote. - correct answer bacteria Describe characteristics of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic microorganisms. - correct answer Eu...

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TCDHA Microbiology Midterm Review 2023/2024 updated to pass


TCDHA Microbiology Midterm Review What are the 4 small life forms? - correct answer 1. Virus 2. Bacteria 3. Fungi (molds, yeast) 4. Protozoa 5. Algae What are the several sub-disciplines within microbiology? - correct answer 1. Bacteriology 2. Mycology 3. Protozoology 4. Virology What...

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TCDHA micro test 3 questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


TCDHA micro test 3Antibiotics - correct answer kills microorganisms in or on the body Antiseptics - correct answer kills microorganisms on the skin Disinfectants - correct answer kills microorganism on environmental/inanimate surfaces Sterilants - correct answer kills microorganisms on inan...

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TCDHA Histology Midterm fully solved graded A+ 2023/2024


TCDHA Histology MidtermHolocrine Glands - correct answer entire cells are discharged as secretion (sebaceous glands) Merocrine glands - correct answer secrete product through free surface, no loss of cytoplasm/cell Apocrine Glands - correct answer secrete small amounts of cytoplasm/cell with s...

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TCDHA Histology- Lectures 1,2,3,4,5 question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


TCDHA Histology- Lectures 1,2,3,4,5cell - correct answer smallest unit of life function: carry out vital processes of absorption, assimilation, respiration, irritability, conductivity, growth, reproduction and excretion exo/endocytosis - correct answer exocytosis: expulsion of materials out of...

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TCDHA DM Theory Test 1 & Midterm 2023/2024 passed


TCDHA DM Theory Test 1 & MidtermHydrocolloid - correct answer a water-based, used as an elastic impression material sources of fluoride - correct answer water, toothpaste, food galvanic shock - correct answer when two fillings of dissimilar metal are placed too close together and cause an elec...

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TCDHA Characteristics of Microorganisms Ch. 2 fully solved 2023/2024


TCDHA Characteristics of Microorganisms Ch. 2Bacteria - correct answer - Makes up a large group of one celled mo's - Grows best at 98.6 F in most, dark environment Viruses - correct answer - Small in size and cause fatal diseases - Can live and multiply only inside a appropriate host cell ...

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TCDHA Anatomy And Physiology Test 1 verified to pass 2023/2024


TCDHA Anatomy And Physiology Test 1Anatomy - correct answer The study of body structure and it's parts Physiology - correct answer The study of body function TRUE OR FALSE: Anatomy and Physiology aren't closely related... - correct answer FALSE Pathology - correct answer Study of diseas...

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TCDHA Anatomy & physiology test 3 correctly answered rated A+


TCDHA Anatomy & physiology test 3four main divisions of the brain? - correct answer Cerebrum, diencephalon, cerebellum, brain stem What is the largest part of the brain? - correct answer Cerebrum The cerebrum is divided into _____&_____ hemispheres? - correct answer right & left Which side ...

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TCDHA Anatomy & Physiology Quiz 1 well answered rated A+


TCDHA Anatomy & Physiology Quiz 1Transversal plane - correct answer horizontally divides the body into superior and inferior parts sagittal plane - correct answer vertically divides body into left and right Lateral - correct answer away from the midline of the body ATP - correct answer (ade...

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TCDHA A P Test 4 question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


TCDHA A P Test 4endocrine system - correct answer works with the nervous system to control and coordinate all other body systems consists of a group of glands that produce hormones affects body systems by chemical stimuli hormones - correct answer chemical messengers that have specific regu...

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TCDHA - Orofacial Chapter 2&3 questions & answers graded A+


TCDHA - Orofacial Chapter 2&3 maxillary tuberosity - correct answer What is this? cornu of hyoid bone - correct answer What is this? genial tubercles / eminence - correct answer What is this? zygomatic alveolar crest - correct answer What is this? mylohyoid line of mandible - correct an...

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Records Management graded A+ 2023/2024


Records ManagementRecord - correct answer Stored information, regardless of media or characteristics, made or received by an organization that is evidence of its operations and has value requiring its retention for a specific period of time. ARMA International - correct answer An association for ...

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Records Management questions with correct answers graded A+


Records ManagementEnsuring proper collection, preservation, and safeguarding of federal records is the responsibility of __________. - correct answer D) All Department of the AF Personnel (military, civilians, contractors) Which statement is NOT true as it pertains to maintaining an effective rec...

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RAD Midterm 1 TCDHA fully solved graded A+


RAD Midterm 1 TCDHAA form of energy carried by waves or streams of particles is defined as... - correct answer Radiation The x-ray was discovered by... - correct answer Wilhelm Roentgen Who MODIFIED the paralleling technique with the introduction of the long-cone technique? - correct answer F....

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Preclinic Theory questions and answers graded A+


Preclinic TheoryDental hygiene process of care - correct answer is the foundation of professional hygiene practice and provides a framework for delivering high quality dental care to all types of clients in any environment or professional role. This processes involves six behaviors. ADPIE - corre...

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PERIO FINAL EXAM questions & answers graded A+


PERIO FINAL EXAMAll of the following are components of the den- Tal hygiene process except one. Which one is the exception? a. Assessment b. Dental diagnosis c. Treatment planning d. Implementation e. Evaluation - correct answer b. Dental diagnosis Which one of the following reasons is impo...

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Perio 1 Final Exam 2023/2024 already passed


Perio 1 Final ExamThe comprehensive periodontal assessment is a rapid information-gathering process to determine health versus disease. - correct answer False The PSR (Periodontal Screening and Recording) requires that the clinician probe which of the following tooth surfaces? - correct answer Al...

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Orofacial midterm tcdha questions correctly answered


Orofacial midterm Buccal - correct answer the surface of the tooth that faces the cheek proximal - correct answer surface of a tooth faces the neighboring tooth in the same arch Which would not be considered part of the oral cavity proper? - correct answer philtrum where is the alveolar muc...

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Oral Pathology Test #1 fully solved 2023/2024


Oral Pathology Test #1Pathology - correct answer Part of biology dealing with the causes and diagnosis of diseases. Pathology - correct answer Addresses 4 components of disease: cause/etiology mechanisms of development structural alterations of cells (morphologic changes) consequences of changes ...

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Oral Pathology Quiz #1 well answered rated A+ 2023/2024


Oral Pathology Quiz #1Which of the following factors predispose an HIV patient to an HIV-related oral condition? A: Poor oral hygiene B: Xerostomia C: Smoking D: All of the above - correct answer D: All of the above Which of the following is still the most frequent HIV-associated oral maligna...

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Microbiology&infection TCDHA midterm 2023/2024 passed


Microbiology&infection TCDHA midtermMajor source of disease agents - correct answer mouth How do we control the spread of pathogens in the office? - correct answer standard precautions Asepsis - correct answer The absence of infection or infectious materials or agents Cross-Contamination - ...

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Introduction to anatomy Tcdha questions & answers graded A+ 2023/2024


Introduction to anatomy Why use the metric system - correct answer It's universal It's simply It make sense Metric system - correct answer Kilo = 1000 Centi = 1/100 Milli = 1/1000 Micro (μ) = 1/1,000,000 Which ones are the directional terms - correct answer Superior-above and inferio...

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Histology test 2 tcdha questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


Histology test 2 Exocrine Glands - correct answer • Secretions are emptied directly into location where it is being used via a duct. Exocrine Four Characteristics - correct answer 1. Duct system 2. Shape of secretory unit 3. Mode of secretion Nature of secretion Simple glands (exocrine) -...

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Histology & Embryology TCDHA Test 2 question n answers graded A+


Histology & Embryology TCDHA Test 2Exocrine Glands - correct answer gland that secretes its products through excretory ducts to the surface of an organ or tissue or into a vessel Endocrine glands: - correct answer glands that secrete chemicals called hormones directly into the bloodstream Exoc...

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Histology & Embryology sem 1 test 1 (tcdha)fully solved 2023/2024


Histology & Embryology sem 1 test 1 (tcdha)Exocytosis - correct answer release of substances out a cell by the fusion of a vesicle with the membrane. Endocytosis - correct answer Uptake of materials into the cell Endocytosis: Pinocytosis - correct answer "Cell drinking" Endocytosis: Phago...

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Ethics Test question and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


Ethics Test If a client tells a sexual joke you should? a. Laugh so that the client does not feel bad, but tell the client not to do that again. b. Laugh only if no other clients are present, but tell the client not to do that again. c. Politely advise the client that such comments are not appr...

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ethics test 1 questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


ethics test 1 Divine Law revealed in the New Testament through the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and through the witness and teaching of the Apostles - correct answer new law our vocations as Christians, the goal of our happiness and existence it is true blessedness or happiness which we par...

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Ethics Midterm questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


Ethics MidtermEthics - correct answer the philosophical study of moral values and rules Normative - correct answer How people ought to behave (morality) Descriptive - correct answer How people do behave (observation) Divine Command Theory - correct answer Any position in ethics which claims...

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Ethics Mid-term exam fully solved graded A+ 2023/2024


Ethics Mid-term examphilosophy - correct answer the love of wisdom ethics - correct answer the study of morality aesthetics - correct answer the study of values in art and beauty amoral - correct answer having indifference towards good and bad, no morals non-moral - correct answer out of...

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Ethics Midterm Exam fully solved 2023/2024


Ethics Midterm ExamThere can be no anger in moral courage, only justice. - correct answer False In decision making, intuition involves weighing the pros and cons of the outcome of a decision. - correct answer False These are voluntary actions that are intended to help or benefit another indivi...

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ETHICS FINAL EXAM questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


ETHICS FINAL EXAMPrescriptive statements, also known as normative statements, are meant to express truth claims about the way things are. - correct answer false Your friend claims that there is only one, absolute, moral rule: seek power at all costs. Who would agree without qualification? (There ...

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Dental Materials Midterm fully solved 2023/2024


Dental Materials MidtermZOE mixed to a base consistency should not be: Select one: and putty-like. g. d to cover the entire pulpal floor. d lightly into the preparation with a condenser. - correct answer B Which of the following is true of tarnish? Select one: a.It is very destructive to ...

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dental materials midterm questions and answers graded A+


dental materials midtermthe most accurate impressions are made with which type of trays - correct answer custom trays which impression material is classified as an irreversible hydrocolloid? - correct answer alginate which impression material is classified as a reversible hydrocolloid and requ...

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Dental Materials Midterm questions well answered rated A+ 2023/2024


Dental Materials MidtermWhat part of composite acts as a coating and serves to transfer stress from a weak component to a tougher one? - correct answer Silane coupling agent Where is hybrid composite recommended? - correct answer Areas needing strength Which application is most typical for a...

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Dental materials Midterm TCDHA question n answers graded A+


Dental materials Midterm TCDHA material subject to repeated stress such as in mastication may be subject to fracture due to - correct answer fatigue failure Galvanism - correct answer The phenomenon of electric current being transmitted between two dissimilar metal Thermal conductivity - corr...

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Death and Mourning and Jewish Rituals questions & answers rated A+


Death and Mourning and Jewish Rituals What is the Tahara - correct answer Tahara is a ritual cleansing of the deceased body. A term that can be used to mean the entire process of preparing a deceased body for Jewish burial or one step of the three-step process: washing (rechitzah), purification (...

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Communication 184 Exam Chapters 7, 8, 9, 11 question n answers graded A+


Communication 184 Exam Chapters 7, 8, 9, 11embodied knowledge - correct answer routines, habits, tasks and information our bodies "understand" without conscious thought. ex. embodied knowledge - correct answer ex. riding a bike epistemology - correct answer giving attention to what our bodie...

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Clinical Theory FINAL Study Guide question n answers


Clinical Theory FINAL Study GuideA diagnosis is an identification of a condition, problem, or situation based on the analysis of its cause and defining characteristics. The dental hygienist diagnoses client conditions within the scope of dental hygiene to prevent oral disease, minimize the risk of o...

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Clinic Theory Test questions with 100% correct answers 2023/2024


Clinic Theory Test Dental Hygiene Care Plan - correct answer total treatment plan to be carried out by the dental hygienist, patient, and caregiver. Roles of a dental hygienist - correct answer -Educator -researcher -Administrator -advocate -clinican Father of Dental Hygiene - correct ans...

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Blood Vessels and Circulation questions with correct answers


Blood Vessels and Circulation3 types of blood vessels - correct answer Arteries: carry blood away from heart Veins: carry blood towards heart Capillaries: where materials in blood pass through the walls of the vessels. Anatomy of blood vessels - correct answer Tunica interna lines the inside of...

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Anatomy and Physiology Nervous System questions n answers 2023/2024


Anatomy and Physiology Nervous SystemCentral Nervous System - correct answer Consists of brain and spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System - correct answer Consists of nerves extending from the spinal cord and brain to other parts of the body such as muscles, intestines, and the skin Cranial Ner...

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Anatomy and physiology midterm TCDHA fully solved 2023/2024


Anatomy and physiology midterm TCDHAOsteoporosis - correct answer increased breakdown of bone tissue with no new bone growth Kyphosis - correct answer exaggeration of the thoracic curve aka "hunchback" Paget's disease - correct answer bones lose calcium and then gain too much calcium Ric...

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