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package deal for GRMN 2301 EXAM 2023/2024 VERIFIED TO PASS

1 Exam (elaborations) (GRMN) Video Lecture on No Ideology Ideology 2023/2024 already passed 2 Exam (elaborations) BIOL 2301 - Exam 4 Review Sheet fully solved graded A+ 2023/2024 3 Exam (elaborations) Chapter 5 The circulation of the Oceans question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024 4 Exam (elaborat...

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UGA GRMN 2001 Exam 1 Review 2023/2024 passed


UGA GRMN 2001 Exam 1 Reviewder Berg, die Berge - correct answer mountain, mountains die DDR (Deutsche Democratize Republic) - correct answer (former) GDR (German Democratic Republic); East Germany der Einwechter, die Encountering, -nen - correct answer resident die Fläche, die Flächen - c...

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Some random ass terms to know for GRMN 2301 Exam #1 verified to pass


Some random ass terms to know for GRMN 2301 Exam #1Anti-Semitism - correct answer Hostility/ Prejudice towards Jews Lebensraum - correct answer Living space Expand eastward to provide living space for growing German race Nationalism - correct answer Unification of German "race" Social ...

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Inside Nazi Germany Exam 1 question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


Inside Nazi Germany Exam 1What is Nazism's goal in one sentence? - correct answer The creation of a new racial German community under the leadership of one man. What are the 2 main tenets of Nazism? - correct answer Anti-Semitism and Lebensraum What is Lebensraum? - correct answer The idea th...

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GRMN Final questions with 100% correct answers 2023/2024


GRMN FinalBiology textbook - correct answer Correlation between humans and nature: survival of the fittest (Social Darwinism) Use of "scientific facts" To justify bias against Jewish population (Survival of the fittest) Justify military: ants have a "warrior class" Leadership principle: eve...

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GRMN final exam questions and answers graded A+


GRMN final examWhich of the following is not one of Ian Kershaw's conclusions in his essay "Hitler's Power and Destruction"? A) There is nothing that stands as a positive artistic legacy of Hitler's reign. B) No governmental form or system which could serve as a possible model emerged from th...

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GRMN 3010 Test 1 questions and answers rated A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 3010 Test 1 Present- geschehen Simple Past- geschah - correct answer to happen P- gewinnen SP- gewan - correct answer to win P- halten SP- hielt - correct answer to hold P- hängen SP- hing - correct answer to hang P- heissen SP- hiess - correct answer to be called P- helfe...

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GRMN 2301 question n answers rated A+


GRMN 2301 Premis #1 - correct answer The cinema of the Third Reich must be seen in context of a totalitarian state's attempt to remake German culture and politics Gleichschaltung 4 - correct answer - the coordination of all institutions under Nazi control - every aspect of nazi life controlled...

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GRMN 2301 questions with 100% correct answers graded A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 Antisemitism - correct answer hostility to or prejudice against Jews. For the Nazis, this amounted to declaring them a racial group, not just a religious group. They were also viewed as a movement that the Germans didn't want. Anything that was seen as bad in the present time was blamed ...

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GRMN 2301 Unit 1 questions with verified solutions 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 Unit 1Social Darwinism - correct answer The belief that humans should allow survival the fittest. Struggle and war are good in the sense that they eliminate the weaker members of the species. Eugenics - correct answer The belief that a perfect race could be formed by sterilizing the han...

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GRMN 2301 Test Two Study Guide questions and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 Test Two Study GuideInterpret Nazi films using the concepts introduced in this unit in the texts by Jünger. - correct answer Jünger stated that society exists in pain, expressed through boredom. The films highlight the war effort of the Nazis before and during world war two, and also the...

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GRMN 2301 Midterm questions & answers graded A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 MidtermPan Germanism - correct answer was the belief that Germany's territory should be expanded to include all ethnic Germans. "The Program of the NSDAP" - correct answer This is a party platform from 1920. It spells out the major tenets of Nazism: especially antisemitism (it says i...

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GRMN 2301 Midterm 2 question and answers graded A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 Midterm 2WWII - correct answer Kristallnacht - correct answer November 9, 1938 Hitler-Stalin Pact - correct answer August 1939 Wannsee Conference - correct answer January 1942 Stalingrad surrender - correct answer February 1943 Total War speech - correct answer February 18 ...

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GRMN 2301 Midterm 1 questions with 100% correct answers 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 Midterm 1NSDAP - correct answer National Socialist German Workers' Party Tenets of Nazism - correct answer Anti-Semitism* Lebensraum* Leadership principle Nationalism Social Darwinism Pan-Germanism Anti-communism Alienation - correct answer War was the overcoming of alienation...

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GRMN 2301 Inside Nazy Germany Final question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 Inside Nazy Germany FinalNSDAP - correct answer National Socialist Deutsch (German) Workers' Party () Hitler becomes Chancellor - correct answer in January 30, 1933. But, National Socialist ideas were around earlier: - WWI () - The Treaty of Versailles Important dates - correct a...

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GRMN 2301 Inside Nazi Germany Final questions with answers graded A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 Inside Nazi Germany FinalNSDAP - correct answer National Socialist Deutsch (German) Workers' Party () Hitler becomes Chancellor - correct answer in January 30, 1933. But, National Socialist ideas were around earlier: - WWI () - The Treaty of Versailles Tenets of Nazism - correct ...

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GRMN 2301 Inside Nazi Germany EXAM 2 fully solved graded A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 Inside Nazi Germany EXAM 2 How would you summarize Juenger's theory of pain? - correct answer He outlines 2 Categories of People: 1. The Worker - eliminates Psychology (emotion and feeling) - machine - not about their individuality or emotions - self-sacrifice (part of how he endure...

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GRMN 2301 Inside Nazi Germany EXAM 1 correctly answered rated A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 Inside Nazi Germany EXAM 1*What are the major tenets of Nazi thought? (also need to define them) - correct answer 1. Anti-Semitism 2. Lebensraum 3. Social Darwinism 4. Leadership Principle 5. Racial Hygiene 6. Individualism Anti-Semitism - correct answer 1. Religious/Old Christ...

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grmn 2301 exam I dates question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


grmn 2301 exam I dateswhen was Hitler appointed chancellor - correct answer January 30, 1933 when was the fire at reichstag - correct answer February 27, 1933 when was the reichstag fire decree - correct answer February 28, 1933 when was the enabling act - correct answer March 24, 1933 p...

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GRMN 2301 Exam 2 questions well answered rated A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 Exam 2Genre - correct answer Nazi cinema consisted of mainly ______ films Reshaping, entertain, political, orchestra, popular, aesthetically - correct answer Rentschler's 5 Premises of Nazi film 1. Nazi cinema as part of states _________ of German culture and politics 2. Nazi films w...

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GRMN 2301 Exam 1 questions with verified solutions 2023.2024


GRMN 2301 Exam 1antisemitism lebensraum nationalism social Darwinism pangermanism anticommunism leadership principle - correct answer the main Nazi tenants the creation of a new racial German state under the leadership of one great man - correct answer the goal of Nazism - correct answer the ...

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GRMN 2301 exam 1 questions well answered rated A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 exam 1major tenets of nazi ideology - correct answer antisemitism, lebensraum, nationalism, leadership principle, social darwinism, anti communism, pan Germanism anti semitism - correct answer Antisemitism within Nazi ideology was a continuation of historical anti-semitism with new idea...

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GRMN 2301 CU Boulder Exam 1 2023/2024 verified to pass 2023/2024


GRMN 2301 CU Boulder Exam 1Social Darwinism - correct answer the theory that humans are subject to the same laws of natural selection as Charles Darwin had perceived in plants and animals Hitler believe Germans were this superior race and that in order to fully become the be the best suited race th...

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GRMN 2301 - Exam 2 questions and answers graded A+


GRMN 2301 - Exam 2 Nazi art views on culture - correct answer - women play a very small role or stereotypical role - only the best will be able to play sports because they have to do it well - the art will be very boring because its extremely traditional Ministry and Public Enlightenment and...

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GRMN 2001 Test 3 vocab question n answers graded A+


GRMN 2001 Test 3 vocababschließen (schloss ab, hat abgeschlossen) - correct answer to finish, complete der Abschluss, e - correct answer degree, completion of course of study die Angst, e - correct answer fear austreten (tritt aus, trat aus, ist ausgetreten) - correct answer to leave, canc...

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GRMN 2001 K. 3 questions and answers rated A+


GRMN 2001 K. 3 (etwas) erwähnen (hat erwähnt) - correct answer to mention (sth.) abschließen (schloss ab, hat abgeschlossen) - correct answer to finish, complete austreten (tritt aus, trat aus, ist ausgetreten) - correct answer to leave (a club or association), cancel membership begegne...

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GRMN 2001 Final Cumulative questions well answered rated A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 2001 Final Cumulativedie Umgebung - correct answer surrounding area die Lage - correct answer location das Gericht - correct answer dish das Getränk - correct answer beverage probieren - correct answer to try abschließen - correct answer to finish, complete die Forschung - c...

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GRMN 101 - Quiz 3 question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 101 - Quiz 3 gern - correct answer to like nicht gern - correct answer to not like auch gern - correct answer to also like auch nicht gern - correct answer to also not like spielen - correct answer to play arbeiten - correct answer to work besuchen - correct answer to visit ...

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GRMN 101 - Final Exam questions well answers graded A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 101 - Final Exam die Aufforderung - correct answer request schreiben Sie - correct answer write hören Sie zu - correct answer listen lesen Sie - correct answer read stehen Sie auf - correct answer get up setzen Sie sich - correct answer sit down geben Sie mir die Hausaufga...

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GRMN 10 Chapter 2 question n answers rated A+ 2023/2024


GRMN 10 Chapter 2 die Nachricht - correct answer message gerade - correct answer just now Was ist denn los? - correct answer What's the matter? suche (suchen) - correct answer am looking for dringend - correct answer urgently die Wohnung - correct answer apartment das Zimmer - cor...

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Exam 3-GRMN 2301 questions well answered rated A+ 2023/2024


Exam 3-GRMN 2301Where does Heini go to live after his mother dies? d) With his father a) Campground b) Hitler Youth home c) Communist group home e) None of the above - correct answer b) Hitler Youth home How does Heini's mother die? d) Stabbed c) Carnival accident e) None of the above, s...

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exam 2 grmn 2301 questions well answered rated A+ 2023/2024


exam 2 grmn 2301 principle 5 - correct answer aimed to be aesthetically pleasing and modeled after traditional models of film making (Hollywood) principle 4 - correct answer nazi film was a pop culture, not just an official art principle 3 - correct answer orchestra principle, just a small pa...

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ECON 2301 - Unit 2 questions with verified solutions 2023/2024


ECON 2301 - Unit 2Demand is - correct answer the amount of a good or service that consumers are willing to buy at all prices in a given period Quantity demand refers to - correct answer the specific amount that a consumer will buy at a specific price The Law of Demand refers to the fact that, ...

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CU Boulder GRMN 2301 Exam2 2023/2024 updated to pass


CU Boulder GRMN 2301 Exam2How would you summarize Juenger's theory of pain? - correct answer Our current society does it's best to avoid pain at all costs but we are failing at it He believes that pain is something that should be, embraced, tolerated and accepted Juenger had no racial theory, a...

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Chapter 5 The circulation of the Oceans question n answers graded A+ 2023/2024


Chapter 5 The circulation of the OceansThe Ocean - correct answer Have high heat capacity. So, slight differences in incoming solar radiation from place to place have little impact on surface temperature of ocean (lateral temperature and density differ slightly). The Ocean - correct answer Theref...

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BIOL 2301 - Exam 4 Review Sheet fully solved graded A+ 2023/2024


BIOL 2301 - Exam 4 Review SheetWhat is the CNS? - correct answer The nervous system that is involved in movement, interpreting sensory information, maintaining homeostasis, and involves functions relating to mind. What makes up the CNS? - correct answer brain and spinal cord What is the PNS?...

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(GRMN) Video Lecture on No Ideology = Ideology 2023/2024 already passed


(GRMN) Video Lecture on No Ideology = Ideology What goals did Jost Herman’d have for his memoir in the book "A Hitler Youth in Poland"? - correct answer 1st) His first goal was to show that the Kinderlandverschickug (KLV) account of the program was anything but beautiful. His main goal was to s...

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