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ALTA CALT Exam Bundle
ALTA CALT Exam Bundle
[Show more]ALTA CALT Exam Bundle
[Show more]Strephosymbolia - means twisted symbols. The first term Orton used for dyslexia. 
phonetics - the study of speech sounds in spoken language 
phonological awareness - the ability to focus on units of sound in spoken language at the sentence, word, syllable and phoneme levels 
phonemic ...
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Add to cartStrephosymbolia - means twisted symbols. The first term Orton used for dyslexia. 
phonetics - the study of speech sounds in spoken language 
phonological awareness - the ability to focus on units of sound in spoken language at the sentence, word, syllable and phoneme levels 
phonemic ...
Components of Effective Literacy Instruction - phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension 
The Big Five - Nickname for the five essential components of effective literacy instruction 
National Reading Panel - outlined the give essential componen...
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Add to cartComponents of Effective Literacy Instruction - phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension 
The Big Five - Nickname for the five essential components of effective literacy instruction 
National Reading Panel - outlined the give essential componen...
Strephosymbolia - Learning disorder in which symbols and especially phrases, words, or letters appear to be reversed or transposed in reading. 
Who coined word "Strephosymbolia" to differentiate between itself and "word-blindness"? - Samuel Orton 
What is synthetic teaching - Part t...
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Add to cartStrephosymbolia - Learning disorder in which symbols and especially phrases, words, or letters appear to be reversed or transposed in reading. 
Who coined word "Strephosymbolia" to differentiate between itself and "word-blindness"? - Samuel Orton 
What is synthetic teaching - Part t...
Suprasegmental - Aspect of Language 
(intonation, stress, loudness, pitch level, juncture - (the set of features in speech that enable a hearer to detect a word or phrase boundary), and speaking rate) 
Segmental - Aspect of Language 
(phonemes - vowels & consonants) 
Phonoligical Awarene...
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Add to cartSuprasegmental - Aspect of Language 
(intonation, stress, loudness, pitch level, juncture - (the set of features in speech that enable a hearer to detect a word or phrase boundary), and speaking rate) 
Segmental - Aspect of Language 
(phonemes - vowels & consonants) 
Phonoligical Awarene...
Adolph Kussmaul (1877) - "word blindness" 
Dr. Rudolph Berlin (1887) - Came up with the word "Dyslexia' 
James Hinschelwood (1897) - reported cases of "congenital wordblindness", called on schools to screen and treat it 
Dr. W. Pringle Morgan (1896) - Wrote 1st medical journa...
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Add to cartAdolph Kussmaul (1877) - "word blindness" 
Dr. Rudolph Berlin (1887) - Came up with the word "Dyslexia' 
James Hinschelwood (1897) - reported cases of "congenital wordblindness", called on schools to screen and treat it 
Dr. W. Pringle Morgan (1896) - Wrote 1st medical journa...
Alexia - The loss of the ability to read, as the result of a brain injury. 
Apasia - Impairs the ability to speak and understand others. 
Articulation - The act or manner of producing sounds. 
Echolalia - Imitation of the mother's sounds, rhythm and tone. 
Hyperlexia - The su...
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Add to cartAlexia - The loss of the ability to read, as the result of a brain injury. 
Apasia - Impairs the ability to speak and understand others. 
Articulation - The act or manner of producing sounds. 
Echolalia - Imitation of the mother's sounds, rhythm and tone. 
Hyperlexia - The su...
Rhyming - One of the first phonological awareness skills to develop 
Blending & segmenting at syllable level - Develops at 3-4 years 
Segmenting phonemes - Develops at 4-5 years 
Isolating beginning sound in words, segmenting phonemes in CVC words - Develops in kindergarten 
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Add to cartRhyming - One of the first phonological awareness skills to develop 
Blending & segmenting at syllable level - Develops at 3-4 years 
Segmenting phonemes - Develops at 4-5 years 
Isolating beginning sound in words, segmenting phonemes in CVC words - Develops in kindergarten 
closed syllable - A syllable with only one vowel, closed at the end by a consonant. (A vowel in a closed syllable is short, code it with a breve). 
open syllable - A syllable with only one vowel and it is open at the end. (A vowel in an open accented syllable is long, code it with a macron)....
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Add to cartclosed syllable - A syllable with only one vowel, closed at the end by a consonant. (A vowel in a closed syllable is short, code it with a breve). 
open syllable - A syllable with only one vowel and it is open at the end. (A vowel in an open accented syllable is long, code it with a macron)....
Analytic Teaching - presents the whole and teaches how this came be broken down into it component parts(ex-syllable division) 
synthetic teaching - presents the parts of a language and then teaches how the parts work together(ex-spelling) 
Anaphora - using a pronoun or definite article ...
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Add to cartAnalytic Teaching - presents the whole and teaches how this came be broken down into it component parts(ex-syllable division) 
synthetic teaching - presents the parts of a language and then teaches how the parts work together(ex-spelling) 
Anaphora - using a pronoun or definite article ...
synthetic phonics - sound symbol correspondences - taking parts to the whole 
analytic - spelling - hear a whole word and segment the word into phonemes - whole to parts 
phonological memory - holding information about words and sounds in memory 
phonological working memory - proce...
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Add to cartsynthetic phonics - sound symbol correspondences - taking parts to the whole 
analytic - spelling - hear a whole word and segment the word into phonemes - whole to parts 
phonological memory - holding information about words and sounds in memory 
phonological working memory - proce...
Dr. Samuel T. Orton - a neuropathologist 
coined the term "strephosymbolia" which replaced congenital word blindness 
treatment must be highly structured education 
Anna Gillingham - Educational psychologist 
A diagnostician who worked with Dr. Orton. 
Together they developed procedures fo...
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Add to cartDr. Samuel T. Orton - a neuropathologist 
coined the term "strephosymbolia" which replaced congenital word blindness 
treatment must be highly structured education 
Anna Gillingham - Educational psychologist 
A diagnostician who worked with Dr. Orton. 
Together they developed procedures fo...
Chall's Reading Stages - Pre-reading ( Stage 0) 
Learning to Read (Decoding-1 & Fluency - 2) 
Reading to learn (Multiple view points - 4 & Construction 5 & Reconstruction 6) 
Chall's Reading Stage 0 - Pre-reading: Read common signs and labels; write own names; learns letters and some sound...
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Add to cartChall's Reading Stages - Pre-reading ( Stage 0) 
Learning to Read (Decoding-1 & Fluency - 2) 
Reading to learn (Multiple view points - 4 & Construction 5 & Reconstruction 6) 
Chall's Reading Stage 0 - Pre-reading: Read common signs and labels; write own names; learns letters and some sound...
McGuffey Readers - Formal reading instruction was based on "phonics" used at the beginning of the 20th Century 
Dick & Jane ( "Look/Say" Method ) - Thought that children would make more rapid progress reading if they identified whole words at a glance. Used from 1930s - 1960s. 
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Add to cartMcGuffey Readers - Formal reading instruction was based on "phonics" used at the beginning of the 20th Century 
Dick & Jane ( "Look/Say" Method ) - Thought that children would make more rapid progress reading if they identified whole words at a glance. Used from 1930s - 1960s. 
recognition of the visual symbol, symbol/sound correspondence, and blending sounds into a word are all part of- 
Pre-Reading Stage 
language appreciation, awareness of printed words, mastery of alphabet and simple words 
Greek elements 
eu, chloro 
Current Research on the brain...
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Add to cartdecoding 
recognition of the visual symbol, symbol/sound correspondence, and blending sounds into a word are all part of- 
Pre-Reading Stage 
language appreciation, awareness of printed words, mastery of alphabet and simple words 
Greek elements 
eu, chloro 
Current Research on the brain...
Adolf Kussmaul - Coined The phrase word blindness in 1877 
Rudolph Berlin - Coined the term dyslexia to describe word blindness in 1887 
Dr. Samuel T Orton - Coined term strephosymbolia/twisted symbols; cerebral dominance theory; adopted VAKT frim Fernald 1925 
Sally & Bennett Shaywit...
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Add to cartAdolf Kussmaul - Coined The phrase word blindness in 1877 
Rudolph Berlin - Coined the term dyslexia to describe word blindness in 1887 
Dr. Samuel T Orton - Coined term strephosymbolia/twisted symbols; cerebral dominance theory; adopted VAKT frim Fernald 1925 
Sally & Bennett Shaywit...
1 Research suggests that the defining characteristic of dyslexia is that student does what ? 
A . Reads letters and words backward 
B. Has difficulties with the phonology of language 
C. Has attention and motivation issues 
D.Has inadequate cognitive abilities 
B. Has difficulties with the phonology...
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Add to cart1 Research suggests that the defining characteristic of dyslexia is that student does what ? 
A . Reads letters and words backward 
B. Has difficulties with the phonology of language 
C. Has attention and motivation issues 
D.Has inadequate cognitive abilities 
B. Has difficulties with the phonology...
Samuel Orton 
a neuropathologist, noticed boys who could not read; 
coined the term "strephosymbolia" to describe the problem of reversals in dyslexia. 
Recognized that dyslexia was most likely neurologically based but its treatment must be educational. 
Advocated highly structured instruction. 
Preview 2 out of 13 pages
Add to cartSamuel Orton 
a neuropathologist, noticed boys who could not read; 
coined the term "strephosymbolia" to describe the problem of reversals in dyslexia. 
Recognized that dyslexia was most likely neurologically based but its treatment must be educational. 
Advocated highly structured instruction. 
Rudolph Flesch - Started the issue of the great debate to the publics attention on how best to teach a child to read. This came about in his book. "Why Johnny Can't Read" (Mid 1950s) 
Kenneth Goodman and Frank Smith - Developed the Top-Down approach to reading instruction. Believed that r...
Preview 1 out of 4 pages
Add to cartRudolph Flesch - Started the issue of the great debate to the publics attention on how best to teach a child to read. This came about in his book. "Why Johnny Can't Read" (Mid 1950s) 
Kenneth Goodman and Frank Smith - Developed the Top-Down approach to reading instruction. Believed that r...
Structured Literacy - A comprehensive, research based framework for instruction focused on the structure of language to teach reading 
Qualitative Research - research that collects data through various kinds of observations 
quantitative research - research in which results are based on...
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Add to cartStructured Literacy - A comprehensive, research based framework for instruction focused on the structure of language to teach reading 
Qualitative Research - research that collects data through various kinds of observations 
quantitative research - research in which results are based on...
accommodations - reduced assignments; adapted test procedures; and use of computers, calculators, and tape recorders 
*This term is not used in the IDA 
alphabetic language - a language , such as English in which letters are used systematically to represent speech sounds or phonemes 
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Add to cartaccommodations - reduced assignments; adapted test procedures; and use of computers, calculators, and tape recorders 
*This term is not used in the IDA 
alphabetic language - a language , such as English in which letters are used systematically to represent speech sounds or phonemes 
Phonology - Sounds of letters 
semantics - Word meaning in language 
syntax - Grammar system of language 
discourse - Talking with another 
Aphasia - The loss or impairment of the ability to comprehend words, TBI result. 
Alphabetic language - A language in which letters ...
Preview 3 out of 17 pages
Add to cartPhonology - Sounds of letters 
semantics - Word meaning in language 
syntax - Grammar system of language 
discourse - Talking with another 
Aphasia - The loss or impairment of the ability to comprehend words, TBI result. 
Alphabetic language - A language in which letters ...
Light output is measured in ...? 
a) Footcandles 
b) Lumens 
c) Watts 
d) Electrons - b) Lumens 
Rated lamp life is the time when ...? 
a) Lamps reach 20,000 hours of operation 
b) 1/2 of a large group of lamps are expected to have failed 
c) All lamps are expected to fail 
d) It's t...
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Add to cart1-1 
Light output is measured in ...? 
a) Footcandles 
b) Lumens 
c) Watts 
d) Electrons - b) Lumens 
Rated lamp life is the time when ...? 
a) Lamps reach 20,000 hours of operation 
b) 1/2 of a large group of lamps are expected to have failed 
c) All lamps are expected to fail 
d) It's t...
Rudolph Flesch - started debate & brought to publics attention how best to teach reading; plain English proponent; praised phonics; book "Why Johnny Can't Read" (1955) 
NICHD - Looking at the issue deemed the inability to read as "national health issue" and began to fund research in the...
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Add to cartRudolph Flesch - started debate & brought to publics attention how best to teach reading; plain English proponent; praised phonics; book "Why Johnny Can't Read" (1955) 
NICHD - Looking at the issue deemed the inability to read as "national health issue" and began to fund research in the...
Stress or emphasis on one syllable in a word or on one or more words in a phrase or sentence. The accented part is spoken louder, longer, and stronger. The speaker's mouth opens wider while saying the accented syllable and the sound is spoken in a higher tone. 
freedom from mi...
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Add to cartAccent 
Stress or emphasis on one syllable in a word or on one or more words in a phrase or sentence. The accented part is spoken louder, longer, and stronger. The speaker's mouth opens wider while saying the accented syllable and the sound is spoken in a higher tone. 
freedom from mi...
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