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Social 10-1 Bundled Exams Questions and Answers Multiple Versions (2024/2025) (Complete and Accurate)
Social 10-1 Bundled Exams Questions and Answers Multiple Versions (2024/2025) (Complete and Accurate)
[Show more]Social 10-1 Bundled Exams Questions and Answers Multiple Versions (2024/2025) (Complete and Accurate)
[Show more]Social 10-1 Unit 4 Test Study Guide Rated A+ Activism the policy or action of using vigourious campaigning to bring about political or social change 
Advocacy public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy 
Anti-globalization activism movement whose participants are opposed to ...
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Add to cartSocial 10-1 Unit 4 Test Study Guide Rated A+ Activism the policy or action of using vigourious campaigning to bring about political or social change 
Advocacy public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy 
Anti-globalization activism movement whose participants are opposed to ...
Social Studies 10-1 Final Exam 
Questions with Verified Solutions 
Aboriginals -Globalization has forced Aboriginals to change 
-First Nations are often ignored in global decisions 
-Assimilation becomes more prominent because of globalization 
Accommodation A process that occurs when people fro...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-1 Final Exam 
Questions with Verified Solutions 
Aboriginals -Globalization has forced Aboriginals to change 
-First Nations are often ignored in global decisions 
-Assimilation becomes more prominent because of globalization 
Accommodation A process that occurs when people fro...
Alberta Social Studies 10-1 Unit 1 with 
Verified Solutions 
Individual identity the qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that make a 
person themselves 
Collective Identity The shared identity of a group of people, especially because of a common 
language and culture 
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Add to cartAlberta Social Studies 10-1 Unit 1 with 
Verified Solutions 
Individual identity the qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that make a 
person themselves 
Collective Identity The shared identity of a group of people, especially because of a common 
language and culture 
Social Studies 10-1 Unit 1(Ch.1-4) Study 
Guide Rated A+ 
Globalization The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and 
governments worldwide. 
Transnational Corporation A company that is based in one country while developing and 
manufacturing its products, or deliver...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-1 Unit 1(Ch.1-4) Study 
Guide Rated A+ 
Globalization The process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and 
governments worldwide. 
Transnational Corporation A company that is based in one country while developing and 
manufacturing its products, or deliver...
Context Circumstances or surrounding. 
Role Model Someone to whom other look to as an example to emulate. 
Collective A group to which a person belongs and identifies with. 
Transnational Corporation A company that is based in one count...
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Context Circumstances or surrounding. 
Role Model Someone to whom other look to as an example to emulate. 
Collective A group to which a person belongs and identifies with. 
Transnational Corporation A company that is based in one count...
Alberta social 10-1 latest update 
graded A+ 
Media Convergence The use of electronic technology to integrate media such as 
newspapers, books, TV and the internet. 
Media Concentration gathering of small newspapers into a. fee large companies 
Homogenization The erasing of cultural differen...
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Add to cartAlberta social 10-1 latest update 
graded A+ 
Media Convergence The use of electronic technology to integrate media such as 
newspapers, books, TV and the internet. 
Media Concentration gathering of small newspapers into a. fee large companies 
Homogenization The erasing of cultural differen...
Alberta Social Studies 30-1 Definitions 
100% Correct 
Classical Liberalism Valuing the freedom of individuals 
Perspectives Someones point of view 
Ideology A system of ideas and ideals 
Individualism The habit of being independent 
Collectivism The thinking that values the goals of the...
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Add to cartAlberta Social Studies 30-1 Definitions 
100% Correct 
Classical Liberalism Valuing the freedom of individuals 
Perspectives Someones point of view 
Ideology A system of ideas and ideals 
Individualism The habit of being independent 
Collectivism The thinking that values the goals of the...
Social 10 Alberta- Globalization Latest 
Version Graded A+ 
acculturation change as a result of contact with other cultural groups 
accommodation inconclusive approach that allows religious or ethnic groups to 
maintain their distinctive cultures within mainstream society. 
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Add to cartSocial 10 Alberta- Globalization Latest 
Version Graded A+ 
acculturation change as a result of contact with other cultural groups 
accommodation inconclusive approach that allows religious or ethnic groups to 
maintain their distinctive cultures within mainstream society. 
social studies 10 alberta latest update 
graded A+ 
culture Culture is the social behavior and norms found in human societies 
popular culture culture based on the tastes of ordinary people rather than an educated elite 
integration the incorporation of diverse minority groups into mainstrea...
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Add to cartsocial studies 10 alberta latest update 
graded A+ 
culture Culture is the social behavior and norms found in human societies 
popular culture culture based on the tastes of ordinary people rather than an educated elite 
integration the incorporation of diverse minority groups into mainstrea...
Social 10-1 Related Issue 2 Already 
Historical Globalization Began in year 1492 when Christopher Columbus made his first trip 
to the Americas that ended after the contemporary globalization 
Colonization The action or process of settling among and establishing control over the 
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Add to cartSocial 10-1 Related Issue 2 Already 
Historical Globalization Began in year 1492 when Christopher Columbus made his first trip 
to the Americas that ended after the contemporary globalization 
Colonization The action or process of settling among and establishing control over the 
Alberta Social 20-1 Final Exam Rated A+ 
WTO Set of rules for governing how member states conduct trade. 
Collective Consiousness Internal awareness shared by many people. 
French Revolution Changed the way France worked a monarchy into a republic 
Estates General Elected representatives of ...
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Add to cartAlberta Social 20-1 Final Exam Rated A+ 
WTO Set of rules for governing how member states conduct trade. 
Collective Consiousness Internal awareness shared by many people. 
French Revolution Changed the way France worked a monarchy into a republic 
Estates General Elected representatives of ...
Social Studies 10-1: Unit 3 Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
Big economic boom example 
In the 1920s - The rebuild after WWI caused an economic 'boom' around the world. 
What happened to the economy during the Great Depression? 
1929 - USA's stock market crashPre-crash = closest to "true" capitali...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-1: Unit 3 Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
Big economic boom example 
In the 1920s - The rebuild after WWI caused an economic 'boom' around the world. 
What happened to the economy during the Great Depression? 
1929 - USA's stock market crashPre-crash = closest to "true" capitali...
Social Studies 10-1 Chapter 4 with 
Complete Solutions 
Homogenization the process by which cultures become more alike in terms of values, 
attitudes, beliefs, customs, language, and traditions 
Assimilation the process by which a minority culture adopts a dominant culture and is 
absorbed int...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-1 Chapter 4 with 
Complete Solutions 
Homogenization the process by which cultures become more alike in terms of values, 
attitudes, beliefs, customs, language, and traditions 
Assimilation the process by which a minority culture adopts a dominant culture and is 
absorbed int...
Social 10-1 Exploring Globalization 
Chapter 5 with Complete Solutions 
Legacies something that has been passed on by those who lived in the past 
Imperialism One country's domination over another country's economic, political, and 
cultural institutions. 
Historical Globalization a period t...
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Add to cartSocial 10-1 Exploring Globalization 
Chapter 5 with Complete Solutions 
Legacies something that has been passed on by those who lived in the past 
Imperialism One country's domination over another country's economic, political, and 
cultural institutions. 
Historical Globalization a period t...
Social Studies 10-1 Chapters 5-8 Study 
Guide Rated A+ 
Colonialism the policy of practicing and acquiring full or partial political power over another 
Paternalism the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting 
the freedom and responsibilities ...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-1 Chapters 5-8 Study 
Guide Rated A+ 
Colonialism the policy of practicing and acquiring full or partial political power over another 
Paternalism the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting 
the freedom and responsibilities ...
Social Studies 10-1: Unit 3 - Economic 
Globalization Already Passed 
Nationalize The taking over of ownership by a government from private businesses 
Common Market An agreement between or among countries that includes the free trade of 
goods and services and the free movement of capital and...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-1: Unit 3 - Economic 
Globalization Already Passed 
Nationalize The taking over of ownership by a government from private businesses 
Common Market An agreement between or among countries that includes the free trade of 
goods and services and the free movement of capital and...
Social 10 Case Studies/Examples 
(Chapter 1-12) Rated A+ 
Expressing Individual Identity Tattoos and piercings --> Body adornment (to make more 
Martial status, clan membership. 
Lubicon Cree Due to the Yom Kippur War (Egypt and Syria against Israel), the United 
States lost the...
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Add to cartSocial 10 Case Studies/Examples 
(Chapter 1-12) Rated A+ 
Expressing Individual Identity Tattoos and piercings --> Body adornment (to make more 
Martial status, clan membership. 
Lubicon Cree Due to the Yom Kippur War (Egypt and Syria against Israel), the United 
States lost the...
Social Studies 10-1: Unit 1 - 
Globalization and Identity Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
Globalization The process that is making the world's citizens increasingly interdependent 
economically, socially, politically, environmentally, and technologically 
Social Globalization The process by which...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-1: Unit 1 - 
Globalization and Identity Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
Globalization The process that is making the world's citizens increasingly interdependent 
economically, socially, politically, environmentally, and technologically 
Social Globalization The process by which...
Social Studies 10-1 Unit 2 Latest Version 
Graded A+ 
Imperialism One country's domination over another country's economic, political, and 
cultural institutions. 
Colonialism When people from one country settle into another country and establish 
economic, social, and political control over...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-1 Unit 2 Latest Version 
Graded A+ 
Imperialism One country's domination over another country's economic, political, and 
cultural institutions. 
Colonialism When people from one country settle into another country and establish 
economic, social, and political control over...
Social 10-1 Unit 1 Latest 2024 Graded A+ 
Individual identity Values and characteristics that make up who you are 
Collective identity Values and characteristics that are valued by a group 
Social Globalization Process by which people's lifestyles spread over global networks 
[McDonald's spr...
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Add to cartSocial 10-1 Unit 1 Latest 2024 Graded A+ 
Individual identity Values and characteristics that make up who you are 
Collective identity Values and characteristics that are valued by a group 
Social Globalization Process by which people's lifestyles spread over global networks 
[McDonald's spr...
Social Studies 10-1: Unit 1 Exam 
Questions with Verified Solutions 
What is Identity? Identity is a condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is; 
the qualities, beliefs, etc that distinguish or identify a person or thing. 
What is Your Identity? We are to an extent today identi...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-1: Unit 1 Exam 
Questions with Verified Solutions 
What is Identity? Identity is a condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is; 
the qualities, beliefs, etc that distinguish or identify a person or thing. 
What is Your Identity? We are to an extent today identi...
Social Studies 10-1: Unit 1 Exam 
Questions with Verified Solutions 
What is Identity? Identity is a condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is; 
the qualities, beliefs, etc that distinguish or identify a person or thing. 
What is Your Identity? We are to an extent today identi...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-1: Unit 1 Exam 
Questions with Verified Solutions 
What is Identity? Identity is a condition or character as to who a person or what a thing is; 
the qualities, beliefs, etc that distinguish or identify a person or thing. 
What is Your Identity? We are to an extent today identi...
Social Studies 10-2 Final Exam Review 
Rated A+ 
Globalization the process by which the world's people are becoming more interconnected. 
Economic globalization process of expanding world's trading networks. 
Outsourcing one company hiring another company to fulfill certain tasks in produc...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-2 Final Exam Review 
Rated A+ 
Globalization the process by which the world's people are becoming more interconnected. 
Economic globalization process of expanding world's trading networks. 
Outsourcing one company hiring another company to fulfill certain tasks in produc...
Social Studies 10-2 Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
Point of View what individuals believe to be true based on their personal experience 
Perspective what people believe to be true based on their collective experience as a group; a 
world view 
Globalization the process by which the world's citiz...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-2 Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
Point of View what individuals believe to be true based on their personal experience 
Perspective what people believe to be true based on their collective experience as a group; a 
world view 
Globalization the process by which the world's citiz...
Social studies 10-1 final exam review 
with complete solutions and answers 
100% pass 
Globalization The process by which different parts of the world interact economically, 
politically, and culturally. 
Social Globalization The sharing of ideas and information between and through different 
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Add to cartSocial studies 10-1 final exam review 
with complete solutions and answers 
100% pass 
Globalization The process by which different parts of the world interact economically, 
politically, and culturally. 
Social Globalization The sharing of ideas and information between and through different 
Social Studies 10-1 // U1L2 Quiz with 
Complete Solutions 
"Glocal" sums up the idea that things that happen at a global level, such as international trade, 
affect things that happen at a local level, such as what you buy in local stores —and vice versa. 
Transnational corporations are...
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Add to cartSocial Studies 10-1 // U1L2 Quiz with 
Complete Solutions 
"Glocal" sums up the idea that things that happen at a global level, such as international trade, 
affect things that happen at a local level, such as what you buy in local stores —and vice versa. 
Transnational corporations are...
Social 10-1 Related Issue 3 Latest 
Update Graded A+ 
economic globalization the increasing interconnectedness of people and places as a result of 
advances in transport, communication and info tech that cause political, economic and cultural 
cultural convergence cultures coming ...
Preview 2 out of 11 pages
Add to cartSocial 10-1 Related Issue 3 Latest 
Update Graded A+ 
economic globalization the increasing interconnectedness of people and places as a result of 
advances in transport, communication and info tech that cause political, economic and cultural 
cultural convergence cultures coming ...
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