ORGB Organizational Behaviour Final Exam - All Chapters questions and answers
ORGB Organizational Behaviour Final Exam - All Chapters questions and answers
[Montrer plus]ORGB Organizational Behaviour Final Exam - All Chapters questions and answers
[Montrer plus]ORGB 3201 Exam 2 with complete 
solution 2024 
3 Types of Conflicts - answer-Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Intergroup 
Causes of Conflict - answer-organizational structure, limited 
resources, task interdependence, incompatible goals, personality 
differences, communication problems 
Positive Confli...
Aperçu 2 sur 6 pages
Ajouter au panierORGB 3201 Exam 2 with complete 
solution 2024 
3 Types of Conflicts - answer-Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Intergroup 
Causes of Conflict - answer-organizational structure, limited 
resources, task interdependence, incompatible goals, personality 
differences, communication problems 
Positive Confli...
D - answer-The study of organizational behavior is primarily 
concerned with the _____ dynamics in organizations. 
a. Interpersonal 
b. behavioral 
c. psychosocial 
d. All of these answers are correct. 
A - answer-Companies like Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, which 
produce automobiles, belong ...
Aperçu 4 sur 46 pages
Ajouter au panierD - answer-The study of organizational behavior is primarily 
concerned with the _____ dynamics in organizations. 
a. Interpersonal 
b. behavioral 
c. psychosocial 
d. All of these answers are correct. 
A - answer-Companies like Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, which 
produce automobiles, belong ...
ORGB Exam 2 questions and answers 
with complete solution 
Job Satisfaction - answer-•pleasurable emotional state resulting from 
the appraisal of one's job or job experiences 
•Represents how you feel about your job and what you think about 
your job 
Values - answer-•hings that people consc...
Aperçu 4 sur 47 pages
Ajouter au panierORGB Exam 2 questions and answers 
with complete solution 
Job Satisfaction - answer-•pleasurable emotional state resulting from 
the appraisal of one's job or job experiences 
•Represents how you feel about your job and what you think about 
your job 
Values - answer-•hings that people consc...
Name 5 Problem Identification Challenges - answer--stakeholder 
-perceptual defense 
-mental models 
-decisive leadership style 
-solution-based problems 
Define some key differences between rational choice paradigm 
assumptions and observations from ORGB - answer-Rational choice 
believes ...
Aperçu 3 sur 17 pages
Ajouter au panierName 5 Problem Identification Challenges - answer--stakeholder 
-perceptual defense 
-mental models 
-decisive leadership style 
-solution-based problems 
Define some key differences between rational choice paradigm 
assumptions and observations from ORGB - answer-Rational choice 
believes ...
ORGB 327 Exam Prep Questions and 
correct answers
Aperçu 2 sur 10 pages
Ajouter au panierORGB 327 Exam Prep Questions and 
correct answers
Social role stress - answer-harmful to the job satisfaction and affective 
commitment of newcomers to the organization. 
Two categories of Social role stress - answer-role conflict, role 
Role conflict - answer-results from inconsistent or incompatible 
Role ambiguity - answ...
Aperçu 3 sur 16 pages
Ajouter au panierSocial role stress - answer-harmful to the job satisfaction and affective 
commitment of newcomers to the organization. 
Two categories of Social role stress - answer-role conflict, role 
Role conflict - answer-results from inconsistent or incompatible 
Role ambiguity - answ...
What are the big 5? - answer-openness, conscientiousness, 
extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism 
What are the pros of personality tests? - answer-can illustrate what 
motivates you, you can better understand yourself and others, 
recognize strengths and weaknesses 
What are cons of personality t...
Aperçu 2 sur 10 pages
Ajouter au panierWhat are the big 5? - answer-openness, conscientiousness, 
extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism 
What are the pros of personality tests? - answer-can illustrate what 
motivates you, you can better understand yourself and others, 
recognize strengths and weaknesses 
What are cons of personality t...
Personality - answer-structures and propensities inside a person that 
explain a person's characteristic patterns of thought, emotion and 
behavior. What people are like, not ability which is what people can do 
Traits - answer-recurring regularities or trends in people's response to 
the environm...
Aperçu 2 sur 6 pages
Ajouter au panierPersonality - answer-structures and propensities inside a person that 
explain a person's characteristic patterns of thought, emotion and 
behavior. What people are like, not ability which is what people can do 
Traits - answer-recurring regularities or trends in people's response to 
the environm...
What is the content of the study of Organizational Behavior? - 
answer-The study of individual behavior and group dynamics in 
What is Locus of Control? - answer-- Psychology 
- Management 
- Anhropology 
Psychology - answer-The science is human behavior, developed 
during the closing...
Aperçu 2 sur 7 pages
Ajouter au panierWhat is the content of the study of Organizational Behavior? - 
answer-The study of individual behavior and group dynamics in 
What is Locus of Control? - answer-- Psychology 
- Management 
- Anhropology 
Psychology - answer-The science is human behavior, developed 
during the closing...
Organizational behavior - answer-is a field of study devoted to 
understanding, explaining, and improving the attitudes and behaviors 
of individuals and groups in organizations 
Focuses on 3 major areas - answer-individual, group, organizational 
Two primary outcomes in studies - answer-(1...
Aperçu 2 sur 13 pages
Ajouter au panierOrganizational behavior - answer-is a field of study devoted to 
understanding, explaining, and improving the attitudes and behaviors 
of individuals and groups in organizations 
Focuses on 3 major areas - answer-individual, group, organizational 
Two primary outcomes in studies - answer-(1...
_________ is an enduring change in behavior that results from 
experience. - answer-Learning 
True or False: The integrative model of organizational behavior in the 
text presents five individual mechanisms that directly affect the 
individual outcomes: motivation; learning and decision making; job ...
Aperçu 2 sur 6 pages
Ajouter au panier_________ is an enduring change in behavior that results from 
experience. - answer-Learning 
True or False: The integrative model of organizational behavior in the 
text presents five individual mechanisms that directly affect the 
individual outcomes: motivation; learning and decision making; job ...
Affective commitment - answer-a desire to remain a member of an 
organization due to an emotional attachment to, and involvement with 
that organization 
leaving causes a sense of sadness 
those who feel this identify w/ org, accept their goals/values, more 
willing to exert extra effort for org 
Aperçu 3 sur 28 pages
Ajouter au panierAffective commitment - answer-a desire to remain a member of an 
organization due to an emotional attachment to, and involvement with 
that organization 
leaving causes a sense of sadness 
those who feel this identify w/ org, accept their goals/values, more 
willing to exert extra effort for org 
Communication - answer-is the process by which information and 
meaning gets transferred from a sender to a receiver 
What are the four cultural divisions? - answer-1.Individualism v 
 vs high power distance 
3.Low vs High uncertainty avoidance 
4.Masculine vs Feminine 
What is differe...
Aperçu 2 sur 11 pages
Ajouter au panierCommunication - answer-is the process by which information and 
meaning gets transferred from a sender to a receiver 
What are the four cultural divisions? - answer-1.Individualism v 
 vs high power distance 
3.Low vs High uncertainty avoidance 
4.Masculine vs Feminine 
What is differe...
Organizational Behavior - answer-a field of study devoted to 
understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and 
behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations 
Human Resource Management - answer-takes the theories and 
principles studied in OB and explores the "nuts and b...
Aperçu 2 sur 9 pages
Ajouter au panierOrganizational Behavior - answer-a field of study devoted to 
understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and 
behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations 
Human Resource Management - answer-takes the theories and 
principles studied in OB and explores the "nuts and b...
How should you negotiate a salary raise? - answer-Prepare! Know the 
market rate, speak to colleagues and former colleagues 
What are 5 characteristics of escalated conflict? - answer-1. Changes 
in tactics 
2. Number of issues grows 
3. Issues move to specific to general 
4. Number of parties grow ...
Aperçu 2 sur 5 pages
Ajouter au panierHow should you negotiate a salary raise? - answer-Prepare! Know the 
market rate, speak to colleagues and former colleagues 
What are 5 characteristics of escalated conflict? - answer-1. Changes 
in tactics 
2. Number of issues grows 
3. Issues move to specific to general 
4. Number of parties grow ...
ORGB Exam 1 (chapters 1-5) with 
complete solution
Aperçu 2 sur 6 pages
Ajouter au panierORGB Exam 1 (chapters 1-5) with 
complete solution
ORGB Exam 1 ch 1-4 questions with 
correct answers
Aperçu 2 sur 9 pages
Ajouter au panierORGB Exam 1 ch 1-4 questions with 
correct answers
organizational behavior - answer-the study of individual behavior and 
group dynamics in organizations 
Models of human behavior: internal - answer-study workers to 
understand behavior 
- thoughts, feelings, experiences, needs of an individual 
Models of human behavior: external - answer-- focus on...
Aperçu 2 sur 12 pages
Ajouter au panierorganizational behavior - answer-the study of individual behavior and 
group dynamics in organizations 
Models of human behavior: internal - answer-study workers to 
understand behavior 
- thoughts, feelings, experiences, needs of an individual 
Models of human behavior: external - answer-- focus on...
Expectancy - answer-Belief that effort leads to a specific level of 
Instrumentality - answer-belief about extent to which performance will 
lead to attainment of a particular outcome 
Valence - answer-Desirability of an outcome to an individual 
Ability - answer-Degree to which effort ...
Aperçu 2 sur 8 pages
Ajouter au panierExpectancy - answer-Belief that effort leads to a specific level of 
Instrumentality - answer-belief about extent to which performance will 
lead to attainment of a particular outcome 
Valence - answer-Desirability of an outcome to an individual 
Ability - answer-Degree to which effort ...
values - answer-basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or 
end-state or existence is personally or socially preferable to an 
opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence 
value system - answer-a hierarchy based on a ranking of an 
individual's values in terms of their ...
Aperçu 2 sur 13 pages
Ajouter au paniervalues - answer-basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or 
end-state or existence is personally or socially preferable to an 
opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence 
value system - answer-a hierarchy based on a ranking of an 
individual's values in terms of their ...
Ability - answer-the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required 
to successfully complete a task 
Affective Organizational Commitment - answer-an individual's 
emotional attachment to, involvement in, and identification with an 
achievement-nurturing orientation - answer-a cr...
Aperçu 3 sur 24 pages
Ajouter au panierAbility - answer-the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required 
to successfully complete a task 
Affective Organizational Commitment - answer-an individual's 
emotional attachment to, involvement in, and identification with an 
achievement-nurturing orientation - answer-a cr...
Three important themes that have emerged from information 
technology adoption over the past 4 decades: 
1. Price and Performance Advances 
2. Smaller is better 
3. Network is the thing 
According to Moore's Law, in 18 months... 
the price of a given integrated circuit will be halved OR, for the sa...
Aperçu 4 sur 61 pages
Ajouter au panierThree important themes that have emerged from information 
technology adoption over the past 4 decades: 
1. Price and Performance Advances 
2. Smaller is better 
3. Network is the thing 
According to Moore's Law, in 18 months... 
the price of a given integrated circuit will be halved OR, for the sa...
Define organizational behaviour - answer-OB is the study of what 
people think, feel and do in and around organizations. 
Define organizations - answer-Organizations are groups of people 
who work interdependently toward some purposed 
Why is OB important? (3) - answer-o Comprehend and predict work ...
Aperçu 4 sur 81 pages
Ajouter au panierDefine organizational behaviour - answer-OB is the study of what 
people think, feel and do in and around organizations. 
Define organizations - answer-Organizations are groups of people 
who work interdependently toward some purposed 
Why is OB important? (3) - answer-o Comprehend and predict work ...
Interpersonal Skills - ANSWER-These are important for managers to 
develop because they help organizations attract and keep 
high-performing employees 
Manager - ANSWER-An individual who achieves goals through other 
Organization - ANSWER-A consciously coordinated social unit, 
composed of t...
Aperçu 3 sur 20 pages
Ajouter au panierInterpersonal Skills - ANSWER-These are important for managers to 
develop because they help organizations attract and keep 
high-performing employees 
Manager - ANSWER-An individual who achieves goals through other 
Organization - ANSWER-A consciously coordinated social unit, 
composed of t...
Attitudes are best defined as - answer-psychological tendencies 
expressed by evaluating something with a degree of favor or disfavor. 
Which of the following statements is an example of the cognitive 
component of an attitude? - answer-I believe my coworkers are lazy. 
Goran secured three bids for ...
Aperçu 2 sur 9 pages
Ajouter au panierAttitudes are best defined as - answer-psychological tendencies 
expressed by evaluating something with a degree of favor or disfavor. 
Which of the following statements is an example of the cognitive 
component of an attitude? - answer-I believe my coworkers are lazy. 
Goran secured three bids for ...
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