[ Mehr anzeigen ]SAFETY REVIEW 
OSHA - Answer-Occupational Safety and Health Administration 
What is the 1st step you should take to safely assist an injured person during an emergency? - 
Answer-Survey the Scene 
When Surveying a Victim what does the B in ABC stand For? - Answer-Breathing 
When do safety codes norm...
Vorschau 2 aus 10 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenSAFETY REVIEW 
OSHA - Answer-Occupational Safety and Health Administration 
What is the 1st step you should take to safely assist an injured person during an emergency? - 
Answer-Survey the Scene 
When Surveying a Victim what does the B in ABC stand For? - Answer-Breathing 
When do safety codes norm...
The function of which type of cable is to provide interconnections between equipment rooms and 
telecommunications rooms? - Answer-Backbone cable 
The main components of backbone cabling are cabling pathways, cables, miscellaneous support 
facilities and which of the following? - Answer-Connection h...
Vorschau 1 aus 4 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenThe function of which type of cable is to provide interconnections between equipment rooms and 
telecommunications rooms? - Answer-Backbone cable 
The main components of backbone cabling are cabling pathways, cables, miscellaneous support 
facilities and which of the following? - Answer-Connection h...
If lead to height ratio is between 1/2 and 3/4 and only 2 or 3 spans the head guy should be_____ 
than suspension strand. - Answer-One SIze Larger 
Important set of deliverables - Answer-Design documents 
OSP cost variance - Answer-10% 
CSI 27 
CSI 28 
CSI 31 
CSI 33 
CSI26 - Answer-Telecommunicatio...
Vorschau 2 aus 11 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenIf lead to height ratio is between 1/2 and 3/4 and only 2 or 3 spans the head guy should be_____ 
than suspension strand. - Answer-One SIze Larger 
Important set of deliverables - Answer-Design documents 
OSP cost variance - Answer-10% 
CSI 27 
CSI 28 
CSI 31 
CSI 33 
CSI26 - Answer-Telecommunicatio...
are four classes of administration of Structure cabling system (SCS) - Answer-Class 1 single ER 
equipment room 
Class 2 multiple 
telecommunication spaces 
Class 3 multiple buildings on campus 
Class 4 multiple sites 
Endothermic - Answer-Ability to absorb heat 
3 basic types of crosstalk of intere...
Vorschau 2 aus 5 Seiten
In den Einkaufswagenare four classes of administration of Structure cabling system (SCS) - Answer-Class 1 single ER 
equipment room 
Class 2 multiple 
telecommunication spaces 
Class 3 multiple buildings on campus 
Class 4 multiple sites 
Endothermic - Answer-Ability to absorb heat 
3 basic types of crosstalk of intere...
design and implementation/installation - Answer-Telecommunications project management (TPM) 
typically consists of two distinct processes: 
Design PM Tasks - Answer-Review expression of interest for client 
Perform a user needs analysis 
Perform site surveys and meet with client 
Generate preliminar...
Vorschau 4 aus 38 Seiten
In den Einkaufswagendesign and implementation/installation - Answer-Telecommunications project management (TPM) 
typically consists of two distinct processes: 
Design PM Tasks - Answer-Review expression of interest for client 
Perform a user needs analysis 
Perform site surveys and meet with client 
Generate preliminar...
The 2 main considerations concerning the existing cabling are? - Answer-Grandfathered system 
Abandoned cable 11-25 
The type of cutover where cross-connects are relocated one pair after another until completed is 
called a - Answer-rolling cut 11-28 
Which practice involves moving the customer to a...
Vorschau 2 aus 10 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenThe 2 main considerations concerning the existing cabling are? - Answer-Grandfathered system 
Abandoned cable 11-25 
The type of cutover where cross-connects are relocated one pair after another until completed is 
called a - Answer-rolling cut 11-28 
Which practice involves moving the customer to a...
25-pair color code - Answer-White - Blue, orange, green, brown, slate 
Red - Blue, orange, green, brown, slate 
Black - Blue, orange, green, brown, slate 
Yellow - Blue, orange, green, brown, slate 
Violet - Blue, orange, green, brown, slate 
Fiber color code - Answer-Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Sla...
Vorschau 2 aus 10 Seiten
In den Einkaufswagen25-pair color code - Answer-White - Blue, orange, green, brown, slate 
Red - Blue, orange, green, brown, slate 
Black - Blue, orange, green, brown, slate 
Yellow - Blue, orange, green, brown, slate 
Violet - Blue, orange, green, brown, slate 
Fiber color code - Answer-Blue, Orange, Green, Brown, Sla...
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