NSG 318 Bundled Exams Questions and Answers Latest Versions (2024/2025) (Complete and Accurate)
NSG 318 Bundled Exams Questions and Answers Latest Versions (2024/2025) (Complete and Accurate)
[ Mehr anzeigen ]NSG 318 Bundled Exams Questions and Answers Latest Versions (2024/2025) (Complete and Accurate)
[ Mehr anzeigen ]NSG318 Topic 12 Matching Ticket to 
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Aluminum hydroxide Used to neutralize hydrochloric acid and should be taken 1-3 hours 
after meals for best results 
Bisacodyl Increases peristalsis by irritating sensory nerve endings in the intestinal mucosa; 
most misused; if taken too...
Vorschau 1 aus 3 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenNSG318 Topic 12 Matching Ticket to 
Enter 100% Correct 
Aluminum hydroxide Used to neutralize hydrochloric acid and should be taken 1-3 hours 
after meals for best results 
Bisacodyl Increases peristalsis by irritating sensory nerve endings in the intestinal mucosa; 
most misused; if taken too...
NSG-318 Exam 2 Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
what substance is a synthetic catecholamine dobutamine 
what occurrence is an effect of beta-1 adrenergic receptor stimulation increased renin 
which body parts are regulated by the ANS smooth muscles and glands 
Vorschau 4 aus 46 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenNSG-318 Exam 2 Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
what substance is a synthetic catecholamine dobutamine 
what occurrence is an effect of beta-1 adrenergic receptor stimulation increased renin 
which body parts are regulated by the ANS smooth muscles and glands 
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NSG 318 Exam 3 Questions and 
Answers Rated A+ 
What is the indication of use for Digoxin? treat heart failure and A-fib 
You suspect your client is experiencing digitalis toxicity. What action do you take? 
administration of Digoxin-immune fab 
What nursing intervention will you take prior ...
Vorschau 2 aus 10 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenNSG 318 Exam 3 Questions and 
Answers Rated A+ 
What is the indication of use for Digoxin? treat heart failure and A-fib 
You suspect your client is experiencing digitalis toxicity. What action do you take? 
administration of Digoxin-immune fab 
What nursing intervention will you take prior ...
NSG 318 Exam 1 (Ppt/Book) Questions 
And Answers Graded A+ 
Which is an example of a generic drug? 
d)acetaminophen D 
Pharmacology is... 
a)the study of pharmacy 
b)the study of medicine 
c) the study of science or drugs C 
Which one is an OTC med? 
Vorschau 2 aus 5 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenNSG 318 Exam 1 (Ppt/Book) Questions 
And Answers Graded A+ 
Which is an example of a generic drug? 
d)acetaminophen D 
Pharmacology is... 
a)the study of pharmacy 
b)the study of medicine 
c) the study of science or drugs C 
Which one is an OTC med? 
NSG-318 Exam 2 Drugs Latest 2024 
Graded A+ 
Epinephrine adrenergic agonist (sympathomimetic) 
action: increases BP (alpha 1), increases HR (beta 1), promotes bronchodilation (beta 2) 
therapeutic effects: treats anaphylaxis, bronchospasm, status asthmaticus, cardiac arrest, cardiac 
Vorschau 3 aus 20 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenNSG-318 Exam 2 Drugs Latest 2024 
Graded A+ 
Epinephrine adrenergic agonist (sympathomimetic) 
action: increases BP (alpha 1), increases HR (beta 1), promotes bronchodilation (beta 2) 
therapeutic effects: treats anaphylaxis, bronchospasm, status asthmaticus, cardiac arrest, cardiac 
NSG-318 Final Exam Review with 
Complete Solutions 
Pharmacokinetics process of drug movement through the body 
absorption drugs absorbed into bloodstream 
Distribution movement of drug from circulation to body tissues 
metabolism body chemically changes drugs into a form that can be excre...
Vorschau 2 aus 10 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenNSG-318 Final Exam Review with 
Complete Solutions 
Pharmacokinetics process of drug movement through the body 
absorption drugs absorbed into bloodstream 
Distribution movement of drug from circulation to body tissues 
metabolism body chemically changes drugs into a form that can be excre...
NSG-318 Exam 1 Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
pharmacology study of drugs 
drug Chemical that affects physiologic process of a living organism 
Nursing Implications The concepts that a nurse must include when they are safely 
administering medication 
Identify the various routes of medication a...
Vorschau 3 aus 23 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenNSG-318 Exam 1 Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
pharmacology study of drugs 
drug Chemical that affects physiologic process of a living organism 
Nursing Implications The concepts that a nurse must include when they are safely 
administering medication 
Identify the various routes of medication a...
NSG 318 Final Exam Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
acquired resistance type of resistance that is caused by prior exposure to an antibiotic. this 
can cause an antibiotic to not be effective as it once was for a certain bacteria 
Acyclovir (Zovarix) antiviral drug used for the treatment of herpes si...
Vorschau 3 aus 25 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenNSG 318 Final Exam Latest Update 
Graded A+ 
acquired resistance type of resistance that is caused by prior exposure to an antibiotic. this 
can cause an antibiotic to not be effective as it once was for a certain bacteria 
Acyclovir (Zovarix) antiviral drug used for the treatment of herpes si...
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