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SCCJA (South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy) Exams PACKAGE DEAL | BUNDLE contains the latest exams, unit 1-6, block 1-4, Pre-Academy block 1-4, basic and cumulative study guides- Everything you need to pass SCCJA exams is here! $30.49
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SCCJA (South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy) Exams PACKAGE DEAL | BUNDLE contains the latest exams, unit 1-6, block 1-4, Pre-Academy block 1-4, basic and cumulative study guides- Everything you need to pass SCCJA exams is here!

SCCJA (South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy) Exams PACKAGE DEAL | BUNDLE contains the latest exams, unit 1-6, block 1-4, Pre-Academy block 1-4, basic and cumulative study guides- Everything you need to pass SCCJA exams is here!

17 Sachen

TOMPSC SCCJA Cumulative Exam Study Guide with complete solutions |Latest 2024/2025


TOMPSC SCCJA Cumulative Exam Study Guide with complete solutions 2024. 1st Amendment ️ Amendment that dealt with freedom of speech 4th Amendment ️ Search and seizure 5th Amendment ️ The Right to Remain Silent/Double Jeopardy 6th Amendment ️ Right to a speedy and public trial 14th Amend...

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SCCJA Cumulative Academy Exam Guide | 200 Questions with Verified Answers| Latest 2024/2025


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SCCJA Cumulative Academy Exam Guide | 200 Questions with Verified Answers. List the characteristics of culture? ️ 1. Learned 2. Gives a range of acceptable behaviors 3. subject to change 4. Can't remain in isolation prejudice ️ preconceived judgement, or opinion, or an adverse opinion o...

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SCCJA Pre-Academy Block 4-Basic Collision Reporting, Uniform Traffic Ticket, Basic Collision Investigation, Vehicle Tactics, Mind Armor Test with complete Solutions | Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Pre-Academy Block 4-Basic Collision Reporting, Uniform Traffic Ticket, Basic Collision Investigation, Vehicle Tactics, Mind Armor Test with complete Solutions. 56-5-1520 General Rules as to maximum speeds; lower speeds may be required ️ A person shall not drive a vehicle on a highway at...

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SCCJA Pre-Academy Block 1-Domestic Violence, Juvenile Procedures, Victimology, Harassment and Stalking, Criminal Gang Overview with correct Answers |Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Pre-Academy Block 1-Domestic Violence, Juvenile Procedures, Victimology, Harassment and Stalking, Criminal Gang Overview with correct Answers. Deadly weapon ️ Any pistol, dirk, slingshot, metal knuckles, razor, or other instrument which can be used to inflict deadly force great bodily ...

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SCCJA Pre-Academy Block 2-Basic Patrol Operations, Child Abuse, Traffic Law, Strategies of Arrest, Mentally Ill, Sexual Assault, Intro to Law, Courts/Crimes/Procedures, First Amendment Overview with Correct Solutions |Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Pre-Academy Block 2-Basic Patrol Operations, Child Abuse, Traffic Law, Strategies of Arrest, Mentally Ill, Sexual Assault, Intro to Law, Courts/Crimes/Procedures, First Amendment Overview with Correct Solutions. Vehicle Patrol ️ Most popular method of policing Cost effective, allows co...

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SCCJA Pre-Academy Block 3 Overview with Correct Answers |Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Pre-Academy Block 3-Prejudice and Personality, Report Writing, Interviewing, Vulnerable Adult, Officer Survival, Drug Enforcement, Crime Scene and Physical Evidence, Hazmat Overview with Correct Answers. Culture ️ a characteristic features of everyday existence shared by people in a pla...

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SCCJA Unit 1 Questions with complete Answers |Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Unit 1 Questions with complete Answers. 1776 ️ Declaration of Independence 1787 ️ Drafting of the Constitution 1788 ️ Ratification with Bill of Rights added 1791 ️ Ratification of Bill of Rights Separation of Powers ️ System of checks and balances that ensure no branch of the ...

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SCCJA Unit 2 Test with Complete Solutions |Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Unit 2 Test with Complete Solutions. Ethics ️ study of what is morally right and what is not Motivations for unethical conduct ️ Anger lust greed peer pressure Common crimes officer commit ️ False statements, larceny, sex offenses, battery Average experience level of officers who g...

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SCCJA Unit 3 Test (crimes against person) with complete solutions |Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Unit 3 Test (crimes against person) with complete solutions. Elements of Public Disorderly Conduct (PDC) ️ 1.The accused was on any highway or at a public place or public gathering grossly intoxicated or otherwise conducting himself in a disorderly or boisterous manner OR 2. The accuse...

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SCCJA Unit 4 Test with complete solutions| Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Unit 4 Test with complete solutions. Household Members ️ Spouse, former spouse, people with a child in common, or a male and female who are/have cohabitating/cohabitated Who makes the decision to arrest and prosecute in a DV case? ️ The officer DV 3rd ️ Causing, or offering/attempt...

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SCCJA Unit 5 Test with Verified Answers| Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Unit 5 Test with Verified Answers. Criminal gang member ️ an individual who is an active member of a criminal gang a criminal gang ️ A formal or informal ongoing organization Association or group that consists of five or more persons. For the purpose of committing criminal. participa...

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SCCJA Unit 6 Basic Patrol Operations Test with Verified Answers| Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Unit 6 Basic Patrol Operations Test with Verified Answers. What is the most popular method of policing? ️ vehicle patrol Vehicle patrol is... ️ cost effective, and it allows an officer to cover large areas quickly while protecting the officer from inclement weather. What are disadvant...

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SCCJA Block 1 Test with complete solutions| Latest 2024/2025


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SCCJA Block 1 Test with complete solutions. Vests the judicial power of the U.S. also has three sections ️ article III congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or press or right of people to ...

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SCCJA Block 2 Test with complete solutions | Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Block 2 Test with complete solutions. household member ️ spouse, former spouse, have a child in common, male or female cohabiting or formerly cohabited cohabiting ️ living together in an intimate relationship (husband and wife) domestic violence 3rd degree ️ offer or attempt to cau...

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SCCJA Block 3 Test with complete solutions |Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Block 3 Test with complete solutions. Active shooter- ️ is a suspect whose activity is immediately causing death and serious bodily injury. The activity is not contained and there is immediate risk of death and serious injury to potential victims, target rich environment. what is the d...

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SCCJA Block 4 Test with complete solutions |Latest 2024/2025


SCCJA Block 4 Test with complete solutions. Evaluation procedures ️ Minimum of 75% to qualify: 188 points out of 250 points TR-310 ️ Collision reporting report 56-5-1520 ️ Too fast for conditions Typically: rear impact collisions 56-5-1930 ️ Following too closely Typically: rear impa...

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SCCJA Special Basic Study Guide with complete solutions (Updated) |Latest 2024/2025


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SCCJA Special Basic Study Guide with complete solutions (Updated) Historical Events occurring between 1776 and 1791 that lead to decisions that lead to the ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights ️ Colonists declared independence from England, in order to create a central gove...

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Case Study Topic: Next Gen NCLEX- Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A late preterm newborn, born at home attended by a certified nurse midwife, is brought to the emergency room at 12 hours of li

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QUESTION 01 1.1 State 7 disadvantages of low power factor. (7) 1.2 Discuss 3 causes of low power factor. (3) Answer 1.1 i. High KVA rating of equipment√ ii. Less amount of active power√ iii.

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