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Bundled Chem 103 Lab Final Exam questions and answers $38.49   Ajouter au panier


Bundled Chem 103 Lab Final Exam questions and answers

Bundled Chem 103 Lab Final Exam questions and answers

8 éléments

Chem 103 Lab Final Exam questions and answers


What were the physical properties used to identify alkanes and alkenes? - Boiling points and Density What color is the potassium permanganate reagent in the Baeyer's test? - Purple What color is the bromine in the bromine test? - Yellowish/ Orange Which hydrocarbon will have positive resul...

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chem 103 exam 1 Vocabularies


butane - n-butane 2-methylpropane - isobutane pentane - n-pentane 2-methylbutane - isopentane chloromethane - methyl chloride dichloromethane - methylene chloride trichloromethane - chloroform tetrachloromethane - carbon tetrachloride ethene - ethylene propene - propylene

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Chemistry 103 Exam 3 Questions and Answers 2024


Which orbital is the electron in? - l (L) value which orientation is the electron in? - m sub L value n value - use periodic table (period #) L value - what orbital its in (s, p, d, f) m sub L value - what orientation of the orbital is it in?---every electron in the atom has unique value...

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CHEM 103 - Nomenclature Practice quizzes and solutions


Na⁺ - Sodium Ion Zn²⁺ - Zinc Ion Al³⁺ - Aluminum Ion Fe²⁺ - Iron(II) Ion or Ferrous Ion Fe³⁺ - Iron (III) Ion or Ferric Ion Cu⁺ - Copper(I) Ion or Cuprous Ion Cu²⁺ - Copper(II) Ion or Cupric Ion NH₄⁺ - Ammonium Ion H₃O⁺ - Hydronium Ion H⁺ - Hyd...

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chem 103 multiple choice questions for final


Lemon juice is acidic, which is an example of a______? a. physical property b. chemical property c. physical change d. chemical change - b. chemical property Which measurement contains four significant figures? a. 0.00k km b. 3400 K c. 20.10 mL d. 0.350 L - c. 20.10 How many significan...

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Lewis Structures - represents the transfer or the sharing of electrons in chemical bonds octet rule - EVERY ATOM WANTS 8 ELECTRONS IN THEIR OUTERSHELL ionic bonding - chemical bond formed through the transfer of one or more electrons from one atom or group of atoms to another group EX : Na...

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Chemistry 103 Exam 1 Study Guide Questions and Answers 2024


The Law of Definite Proportions states that in a given chemical compound, the elements are always combined in the same proportions by _______________ - mass The Law of Conservation of mass states that no detectable gain or loss of mass occurs in chemical reactions. Mass is _______________. - cons...

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Chem 103 Exam 1 review - UW Madison 2024 questions and solutions


What is an acid? - solution has an excess of H+ ions What is a base? - solution has an excess of hydroxyl ions (OH-) What is neutralization? - -process where acid and base are mixed until they become neutral and the PH is 7. What are the two products of a neutralization chemical reaction? -...

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